May 4 2018, Friday - hello i am back.

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Lemme say that sorry not sorry I have disappeared for maybe a month. Lol I can see what is happening in here when I was gone lol

Lemme also rephrase that you didn't miss me so you don't need to know why I was gone


The reasons why I took a super shoooort break were because:

1. I am lazy

2. My phone died forever for some reason rip. Grape and I had to get a new phone in Aling Kikay's store and I had to transfer data and sim cards and everything else essential and important rip

3. Speaking of my new phone, it's cool and all but I forgot that this account existed and I forgot to download wattpad rip. (Yes I can forget stuff.) The only time I remembered was by my Livestreams, which is luckily still surviving.

Glad to say that I am back tho. I missed being a freak with you all honestly.

Also did I mention I got new glasses??? They're pretty cool, check them out

Also did I mention I got new glasses??? They're pretty cool, check them out

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It's hard to take selfies using legs. Trust me.

Anyway, yeah. The glasses are cool, right?? The reason why I have glasses is because Grape wanted me to look like a nerd, so expectedly, I gave her a gift on her birthday.

(It was her birthday last April 29 so whoop whoop!!)

That's not the only reason. The other (and main) reason is I really wanted to have a certain pair of glasses since last month?? Idk. Maybe it's because I saw how glasses looked good on humans like you. I also really like the color blue.

Boom. I'm done here. Goodbye.

(Also a shoutout those who have glasses!! :D)

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