Jan 31 2018, Wednesday - BACK TO NORMAL PEEPS.

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It's all over now. The "Maraca-Invasion" and the DFSH contest that happened literally several hours ago are now gone.

So things are back to normal... apart from literally everything.

The sands are still stained with paint gun gloop. The waters are partly dyed with paint. Some trees are either scrathed on the bark or they're stained with paint gun gloop.

Most importantly, Strawberry is breaking out in front of everyone.

I have never thought I'd see her break down easily like this. She's... usually a cheerful and happy girl. Just think of Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club. Just like when the player thought she's her normal self, she'll eventually be found *major spoilers that is very bad*. The same goes for Strawberry.

Although I do understand her. Whoever will not be sad with this?! We have to clean everything up, plus, BG's back may or may not be permanently stained with neon paint gloop. Plus, my phone is cracked.

I don't blame Maraca for NOT carefully handling my phone.

Anyway, Ice and the rest of the DFSH contestants are still here. Some of them are helping us cleaning the beach, while the others *points to the alliance, Ice and and Inferno* are doing whatever stuff.

Ice is beside me rn and is watching me type all this, while the alliance is having an... alliance meeting and Autumn is watching something with Grape.

You know what that is?

Doki Doki Literature Club. That same exact game I mentipned earlier.

Both girls seems to be OBSESSED with that game.

Imo, I think it's 6/10 if I'm honest. Sure, all girls are cute, the literature club itself is interesting, but those glitches, the *major spoilers* are... a jumpscare to me. I'm kinda a fan of it I guess, mainly because of the girls lol.

Okay, enough talking for now. Bye!!

Oh, before I end here...

J U S T   M O N I K A .

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