Chapter 8: Fear

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Toni's POV:

We climbed out of the window and ran down the street to my motorbike as fast as we could. Then we hopped on my motorcycle and I turned the key very quickly, making sure Penelope couldn't catch up with us. Fortunately we got away without the struggle of being chased down by Cheryl's hellish being of a mother. As we arrived back at my house, I quickly checked my phone making sure that I hadn't gotten any texts. Surely enough, there was one from Jughead. What could he possibly need? The message read,

Jughead: Toni. Serpents need you. Quick.

I texted him back saying,

Toni: Okay. Be there as soon as possible.

"Hey Cheryl."


"First off are you okay?"

"Yeah. Better now that I don't have to deal with her. And cause I get to stay with you." Cheryl said smiling.

"Me too. Also, I need to go to the White Wyrm, Jughead said that he needed me there quickly."

"Okay. Can I come with?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. Serpent territory is definitely not something a Northsider wants to step on."

"Oh-okay. I trust you, but please just be safe. Okay, TT?"

"You got it." I said with a small smile and a salute.

I headed out the door and onto my motorbike. My place was only 2 minutes away from the White Wyrm, so it wouldn't take me long. When I arrived, I saw all of the serpents gathered around someone through the window of the White Wyrm. I walked in, suspicious of what was happening. When I entered the front door, I expected all eyes to go on me. But they didn't. They stayed focus on the person who was in the middle of all of them. As I moved through the crowd trying to see who it was.

Penny Peabody.

Is that why Sweet Pea needed her number? Did Jughead do something? I really urged to know what is up, so I spotted Jughead and walked up to him.

"What's going on?" I said as Jug pulled me away from the crowd.

"I talked to her one time because I heard she was offering small 'jobs' for big cash. My dad was a wreck at the time, and we needed the money. So I helped her out. But she betrayed me. She threatened me and my dad saying that if I didn't help her out again, she'd apparently 'do something terrible to ruin us'. Little did she know I like to record my speakings with suspicious people like her. I told my dad about it and he lectured me a bit on how he told me not to take her offerings, but I honestly think he was a little glad under that tough stature of his. He told the serpents and she's trying to plead innocent. So this is her trial, everybody already disowned her for her unfathomable acts."

"Wow. Whats gonna happen?" I said, not even being able to comprehend what he said. I barely knew her, but I'm very glad I didn't.

"Depends on what the serpents decide. Most of us already agree on having her kicked out. Except a few, like Tallboy."

God, something was wrong in that mans head. He always went for the opposite side. It's like he hated Jughead or something.

"Okay. I'm on your side, Jones." I said with a smile.

"Thanks, Topaz."

We walk back into the crowd. She's still sitting there, attempting to negotiate with the other serpents.

"Look. Do you really believe this Jones kid? He's got a mouth full of shit all the time. Have you ever read his damn articles?" I really felt like punching her square in the nose right about now.

"You know what, Peabody? All his articles are true. He's not a liar, trust me. I know my boy." FP said, contradicting her statement.

"I've had enough of this bullshit. Let's just get it over with. We all know what Jug said is true. We can't let an imposter be sneaking around our turf." Sweet Pea interrupted.

"Yeah!" Just about every serpent said in unison.

"Fine. Screw you. I thought a serpent is never supposed to go against it's own."

"Well you know what Penny. We only will if it's our family we are protecting." I said as Jughead gave me a pat on the back.

"This won't be the last time I ruin you." Penny said angrily as she began to walk out.

"Good. Cause the last time you will is when you are getting your tattoo removed." Jughead said as she slammed the door.

I turned to Jughead and told him,

"I told Cheryl I wouldn't be gone for long." I lied. I honestly just wanted to go home. Something was, off. "I think Im gonna head back home,

"Okay. Go have fun with your lovebird." Jughead said jokingly.

"Oh I will." I said with a wink as I walked out of the door.

Right as I got outside a frown case upon my face. I didn't feel good. Something was definitely wrong. I rushed home to make sure this feelings wasn't about anything with Cheryl. I approached the door and knocked. No answer. I knocked louder and louder, still no response. Oh no. I unlocked the door as quickly as I could, scanning the room. Maybe she was asleep in my bed. I walked in there, and there she was. Passed out on the floor.


AHHH I know guys the suspense is building. This chapter was short cause I didn't really know what to make of it. Plus I wrote it pretty quickly lol. Anyways, omg guys thanks for almost 1k reads!!

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