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The orange and white femme worked frantically on the mech, trying to stop the gushing energon. Finding a I.V of sorts, the bot hooked it up and injected it into his forearm. After that she hooked up a few things that monitored his spark beat. And when it activated her face fell. He was

Frantic, she opened his chassis and looked at his spark. The blue crystal was fading into a dull gray. The bot sighed and traced his chassis wound with her servo.

" Its a shock that you're still alive." She whispered looking intently at the wound. " What am I going to do about this?" The autobot said stressfully. Although not a official medic, being on the field for several thousand years gave her some experience, but this, this was bad.

Trying to keep him online, she carefully closed one of the major energon lines that neared his spark to keep him from offlining.

" There are only two ways to save someone in this situation." She whispered to herself as she glanced at the dying mech. " And I don't have the equipment to do the most logical one." The femme huffed " And I'm not doing the other one....servos down."

The femme sighed again and retrieved a small tool from a nearby drawer. With it, she could easily observe his spark, to see whether it would be a easy, well easier fix. After several minutes the bot shook her helm. The blast went right through him, taking out a major energon that kept his spark running, and even worse, she had no way to repair it. To make all matters worse, the beep of the spark monitor was slowing at a fast rate.

" Scrap." She hissed. " They need him....Alive! I can't let him die!" But the decreasing beating of his spark begged to differ.

Now she knew who he was. She had met him on several missions, and even then he already out ranked her. And as a Autobot, it was her duty to make sure he matter what because he was in command, and to put even more pressure on her, he was Third in Command, which only ment his survival was crucial.

The femme cursed. The only way to save him now was by replacing a piece of his dying spark with a healthy one, a spark transplant. But if the procedure is successful, it would result to a, most awkward situation for her, and the commander.

The machine began to make a sickening beeping noise. He was slipping away.

" No." She growled, not just because he was slowly turning gray, a huge indicator that your pretty much dead, but also because of what she was about to do.

The femme vented and sighed.

" Duty comes before personal feelings." The femme whispered. Her cyber dog, who had been napping the entire time, lazily lifted his helm and looked at his owner. Steelclamp tilted his helm in confusion. He had never heard his master use a tone like that, and it worried him. But what caused him to wimper was when she opened her own chassis and stood over the dying mech.

" This has to be done...." she said firmly, as if she was convincing herself.

The orange and white autobot looked at the mech and offlined her optics. Slowly she placed a servo over her spark and exhaled shakily. It was the only way to save him...

They would have to bond.

~ Back at the ark

Jazz frowned as he walked down the aged halls of the ark. He was currently holding a grudge against Prowl, for pretty much sealing his fate by being a hero, and at Ratchet for bestowing on him the job to tell Prime. Huffing, the visored mech stormed down the halls, ignoring the others bots who were confused at the normally happy mech's current behavior. When he arrived at Optimus's office, he hung his helm and knocked three times on the large door. Just as he finished, a low voice came from the other side.

" Come in." Rang the calm but powerful voice of the Autobot leader. Slowly Jazz opened the door and walked in. When seeing the silver mech, Optimus nodded and gestured for him to sit down.

" Nah, I'm ok sir." The bot responded. The red and blue mech only shrugged and looked put away the data pad he had been currently working on.

" Congratulations on the rescue mission, you and Prowl have done a great service." The bot praised. Standing up, Optimus handed him a data pad. " When you see your brother, give him this to fill out."

Jazz glanced sadly at the object in his leader's servos and sighed.

" Ah'bout that sir....we lost Prowl dur'in the mission." He whispered, hurt in his voice. Although he wore a face plate, Optimus's jaw dropped and he slightly paled.

" I-I'm sorry to hear that..." the semi said. Jazz only nodded. " too. The ground bridge malfunctioned, and we lost him."

Optimus laid a servo on Jazz's shoulder.

" I'm sorry for you're loss Jazz. Is there anything I can do?" The prime offered. The visored mech shook his helm no.

" Naw, ah just need time to think, and to explain to Novastorm that ah will be needing a new bestmech at our sparkbonding ceremony...."

And saying that, Jazz left, still trying to except what had just happened.

Had he really just lost his brother, Best friend? It seemed to horried to be true, yet the painful announcement proved it. Over the speakers, Optimus was announcing the loss of their Third in Command, and that he would be missed.

" That slagger...." Jazz hissed to himself. " I ain't even going to go to his funeral." He spat. " cause now he ain't go'in to mine." 

As he walked, the silver mech buried his face plate in his servos.

" Uuuuhhhhhnnnnnn." He groaned. " How in da name of primus himself am ah go'in to explain this to Nova." Jazz mumbled softly as he went to his room.

" And what am I going to do...."


Yayyyy!!! I'm having a blast writing this!!! Btw Novastorm belongs to my awesome bff SN_supernova

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