[2] Chapter Two

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"Mommy. Why do heroes always win?", the small boy asked.

"Because no matter what, good is always going to be the winner.", his mother replied to the five years old picking him up.

"What if the bad guy wins?"

"Then he defeated that hero, but there will always be someone else to stop them."

"But what if there wasn't?"

"You ask a lot of questions don't you?", the woman giggled.

"Ya. Daddy tells me I talk too much.", he frowned at the thought of his father negativity against him.

"Well your father is wrong.", she said confidently.

"Does that make father the bad guy and you the hero?", he asked struggling to keep in his laughter.

"No, but we all have our battles.", she sighed at the thought.

"When will I have mine?", the boy took his black cat hoodie and pulled the strings covering his face.

"When everything goes perfect, because nothing is perfect and that's not what the universe wants.", she messed up his hair and grabbed his hand crossing the street.



"Did you win your battle?"

"I'm still having it. Everyday."

"You want help?"

"This is my battle. I got this.", the woman giggled at her son pretending to punch air.

They finally finished crossing the street and the boy ran to the park.

"Adrien! Get back here!"

Present time

"Mother?", Adrien breathlessly spoke.

"Hello my baby boy."

Adrien could feel the tears stream down his face. The woman he wanted in his life more than anyone in the world was standing right in front of him. Right there and then.

"Where have you been.", silence began to fall.

"Paris, hiding from your father.", she sighed and could feel her eyes welling up.

Marinette, watching from the stairs, stood there shocked as her mouth was agape. Tikki and Plagg flew over to Marinettes shoulders and quietly watched. "Is that who I think it is?", Plagg asked.

Marinette shook her head yes, questioning what was happening.

Adrien looked straight into his mothers eyes. The same ones that she had gave him. He walked up and hugged her never wanting to let go thinking she would disappear.

"Is this real?"

She hugged back the child who had already became a young adult.

"One hundred percent."

She began to feel him whimper tears as she began to as well. They both poured out their tears. Sobbing into each other, Emilie could feel his tears falling on his shoulders. "I missed you."

"I-I missed you too", she choked up crying even harder.

After they both calmed down, they pulled apart. Emilie looked at the stairs next to her and noticed the bluenette.

"Um hello.", Marinette awkwardly said breaking the silence.

"Marinette this my mom, Emilie. Mom this is Marinette... My wife."

"You're married?"

Adrien went over to Marinette and grabbed her hand bringing her down the stairs. "Yep. I love her more than anyone in the world."

Emilie smiled at the two and giggled. "You know, both of you truly are perfect for each other."

"We know." they both said in sync staring into each others eyes as of there was another world behind them.

"Anyone hungry?", Marinette asked.

Everyone nodded. "Good because after that plane ride I'm starving.", she giggled walking to the kitchen.

She got the ingredients and began to roll the meat into little balls. After finishing all thirty, she took the marinara sauce and began to season it, so it wasn't flavorless. She turned on the stove and took the meatballs and put the in the oven. Slowly mixing the sauce on low, she waited until the timer went off. She turned to fire off and went into the fridge to grab a bell pepper, red onion, and parsley for decoration.

She took the Onion and Bell pepper and finely diced both on top of a cutting board. Taking the cutting board she poured all the diced vegetables and put them in the sauce.

Marinette could hear the timer go off and she took out the meatballs. Already cooked she put them in the marinara sauce and mixed them all together.

She went into the cabinet and took out some angel hair pasta and placed in boiling water and waited for the pasta to finish. When they were cooking she took the french bread she had and created garlic bread out of them. The pasta seemed to be done, so she turned off all the fire and took out the freshly made garlic bread. Making everyones plates she put one small piece of parsley one top of each meal and took everything to the table and placed it in front of everyone.

"I present to you all spaghetti and meatballs!", Marinette said serving everyone their plates.

"This looks amazing. Where did you learn to cook?", Emilie asked.

"My parents. They own the Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie."

"You're Tom and Sabines daughter?!"

"Yes do you know them?", Marinette asked her.

"We all used to be best friends all through kindergarten. College hit and we were all still so close. We went on a lot of crazy adventures, but my have you grown to be such a beautiful young lady.", Emilie smiled knowing her son had found the one.

"So, how is Bridgette?", she asked.

"Great, she's actually married to Felix.", Emilie choked on her food.

"Are all my kids married?!", everyone laughed.

"It appears so. Heather is also doing great. Happy with Kai Komea."

"Heather? Who's Heather?", Emilie questioned.

"My oldest sister."

"I've known every single child your parents have ever had and I definitely would have remembered their first one. There is no way Heather is your sister."

"How can you be so sure?", Marinette asked a little worried.

"Because look.", Emilie pulled out a photo of the day Bridgette was taken home from the hospital. That day a baby shower was being held. Sabine wasn't traditional, she thought the child should be there for the celebration. Balloons were everywhere and a cake with the name Bridgette on it was on the table.

"Ok. What's so important there? It's Bridgettes baby shower."

"Look at the banner."

Behind everyone there was a banner that had bright pink on it. In curly writing it said "Welcome to the world baby #1 one."

Marinette began shaking uncomfortably. "How can this be?"

"I don't know, but we need to speak with your parents as soon as possible."

Everyone nodded and finished their meal. Grabbing their stuff Tikki and Plagg secretly flew with the holders and everyone walked out the door.

I know I have been practically dead these past few months, but I swear I'm trying to come back. I'm planning on making a schedule for this book, so I have time. I hope this was okay for reading though!

Kawaii Sundae

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