Chapter 3

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He woke up in a daze, the nightmares had ravaged the little sleep that he had. A guard called from not to far away and the heavy barred door slid open. He sat up to see a little faint light and gun shots echoed a ricocheted off the thick grey walls in the hallway. The howls of the insane became piercing cries.

As his eye focused I found himself looking at Bryon blood running down his face.

"Mark we have to leave!" he shouted

Two guards ran to the door.

"Sir, what do you need us to do?" One asked in a hurry.

"Open the doors, some of these lunatics might slow them down." Bryan shouted over his shoulder.

"What do we say, if anyone asks what happened?" the other rushed

"No one will as anything, these men are crazy, no one cares about them. We only need to get this one here out." Bryon shouted, hauling Mark to his feet.

"What's going on?" Mark asked stumbling to the oher end of his cell.

"The compound is under attack, now throw these on and lets move." Bryon said tossing Mark a jacket and pants then limping out the cell.

"I thought you said the war is over." Mark shouted over the howls, pulling the cloths on over the top of his own.

"It is!" Byron shouted back limping towards a heavy door at the end of the hallway "These.... things aren't human!"

Mark ran up behind the doctor "What do you mean, not human?" a crash came from the other side of the hall and he saw an image he hope he would never see again, an image he had spent nearly twenty five years trying to forget. Three man ran it through the door, guards, Mark had seen them on shift only a few hours ago, but they were different they were torn to horribly mutilated.

Blood still dripped on the floor from the deep gouges in their sides. They cried out in pain as fangs grew group their mouth and claws from their hands. Mark turned away and ran, as the guards opened fire on the monstrosities in front of them.

He ran up to Bryon who had already limped half way across the compound.

"I there was no way for anyone without access to get in how did they get in?" Mark shouted at Bryon.

"I know as much as you do right now maybe even less, if these are the things that you claim to have seen. Good news Mark you're not completely insane, now, lets get out of here."

Bryon pushed the door open and the compound grew silent. A few large military vehicle sat in front of us their crews eager to leave.

"How many of you are left?" shouted the gunner on the nearest of the armoured beasts.

"I think we're the last, there might be a few guards left. We couldn't get the prisoners out there cells though."

"It doesn't matter." said a solider in a different uniform to the others as he walked towards Bryon. He held out his hand and offered a hand shake.

"I'm Sergeant Phillips, call me Sarg the crew does anyway."

"Doctor Bryon," Bryon replied accepting the hand shake. "this is my associate Doctor Marcus."

He shook the Sergeants hand.

"You two get in the furthest car, we'll get you heading off, while we still can."

A soldier came and ushered Mark and Bryon into a vehicle and the drive slammed on the accelerator.

Mark couldn't see anything inside or out of the truck as it plowed through fences and walls.

"So, Mark." Bryon said from the dark "Would this be a bad time to ask if you'll tell me more of what happened when you first saw these?"

Mark glared at the direction that the voice came from.

"Piss off would you Bryon."

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