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Once the Xosh begin boarding and fighting I release the locks on the cages. Using an arrow pattern I direct the others to the back of the room hoping they know to hide. The sounds of fight can be heard outside the door. As they move towards the back I move to the door prepared to fight should the bad guys breach the door.

Soon the fighting stops, the Xosh have killed or captured all the Zilla. When the door opens they don't seem to notice me as they rush to the cages calling out.

In the excitement of being rescued several children made their way to me unnoticed. Everywhere they touched changes colors causing the others to join in. Soon they were all laughing and trying to make patterns. The sound drew the attention of the warriors who rushed over and pulled the children away insisting I could be dangerous.

I sadly turned and rolled out of the room. Feeling very hungry I went in search of food and hopefully some type of alcohol.

When I enter the hallway I see three warriors, two of them just stare at me, the third however shoots me as if in automatic response. The energy blast runs over me and again I feel the spike of adrenaline. Increasing the speed of my forward roll I squeeze between their legs, ok so I tried to squeeze through but actually knocked the one in the middle down. With the narrow hallway this causes the other two to fall also.

Finding the galley I take a box of energy bars and three bottles of amber liquid that smelled alcoholic. Tucking them inside my cocoon with me I head for the observation room. I have spent so much time in space but never had the chance to see it.

I have consumed a bottle and eaten most of the bars when one of the guys from earlier storms in. I recognize him as one who shot me. Looking closer at him I take the time to admire his looks. He makes me think of the bodybuilders of earth with all those muscles. His skin is marbled in desert camo colors. His hair is dark almost black and flows to his shoulders. He is staring at me with dark eyes, I swear I see the lust in the way his eyes move over my body.

As I start to move feeling drawn to him, two others try to enter behind him. I quickly pull my cocoon back around me for protection. This seems to startle the leader who draws his laser gun and shoots me again. The energy blast surrounds me moving across the skin like a lovers caress. I moan at the arousal it causes deep inside. I vaguely understand I am probably drunk but don't care. Moving forward some more and hoping for another blast. They all just stare at me as I slowly roll towards them. I make another moan as I rub against their leader's leg. At this vantage point looking up I can see he has a rather impressive erection.

The other two reach to touch me and I move into their hands. They barely touch my smooth surface when they are ordered to figure out how to get the ship back online. They quickly snap to attention and leave the room. The leader, however, watches me for a few more minutes before leaving the room.

Indestructible Ave  (Rescue Project- book 1)Where stories live. Discover now