Chapter One

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So people of earth this is the first chapter to my story. I don't know if i will keep this on. It all depends on what you people say:)


“Hey Jo, did you know your eyelashes look like half pipes?” As if I hadn’t heard that one before.

My friends make it so difficult for me to control my temper. We’re all unbelievably close and we know everything about each. We know what makes us laugh and smile or scream in rage. And we know exactly what to say to make each other furious.

I think Dalton woke up this morning and said to himself, “Let’s see just how much I have to poke Mount Jo before she erupts like a volcano.” That’s probably exactly what he said because that is exactly what he’s doing.

He always loves to make fun of how my face gets a slight red tint to it before my anger explodes, directed at someone or something. Once, I even screamed at someone’s cat for jumping out and scaring me after a terrible day at school. I still feel guilty about it every time I see a cat.

If I had been keeping track, the half pipe joke probably would have been joke number twenty focused on me. And that is just the gags that originated from Dalton’s mouth.

The second those annoying words left his mouth, I felt the wave of heat spread over my face and I knew that if I were to glance in a mirror, my face would have a rosy glow to it. I had to leave that instant or I knew that words were going to come flying out of my mouth that I would regret as soon as they passed my lips.

I quickly yanked my arm out of the loop that Asia’s slender arm held mine in and looked up at her surprised face. “I’ll be right back,” I said through clenched teeth. Asia’s hazel eyes met my deep blue ones for a split second before she quickly threw her head around to glare at Dalton.

Leaving my best friend to chew Dalton out, I began to weave my small body through the crowded fair grounds, towards the restrooms. I focused on my breathing and silently started to sing the words to one of my favorite songs in an attempt to calm myself down.

Relief flooded my body when I spotted the restroom door and saw that there wasn’t a line of annoyed-looking girls standing in front of it. I quickly rushed through the sea of bodies, hoping some other girl wouldn’t beat me to the door.

Stepping into the room, my nose instantly wrinkled in disgust. You would think I had walked into the boy’s from the smell. Ignoring the suspicious looking toilet in the corner of the room, I walked over to the cloudy mirror. Sure enough, my face was red but I was pleased to see it was more of a flushed pink and I knew that my breathing and silent singing had managed to somewhat calm me down.

Turning on the faucet, I cupped my hands and filled them with cold water and lightly splashed my warm cheeks. Closing my eyes, I kept my head down, cleared my mind and thought of nothing at all. I have no clue why but if I’m alone and clear my head, it calms me down a lot faster than any ridiculous breathing exercise ever could.

I started in surprise when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I lifted my head up and groaned, feeling my neck ache in protest. How long had I been standing there? Rubbing my neck, I glanced up at my reflection and was happy to see that my face was back to its normal pale shade.

Leaning into the mirror, I checked around my eyes for mascara flecks. Half pipes, my ass, I thought to myself. I don’t understand how in the world my eye lashes resemble one but Dalton is constantly insisting that they do. While my eye lashes are abnormally long, they don’t take after half pipes in the slightest. Sighing, I raked my fingers through my tangled brown hair, trying to rid it of knots.

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