Chapter Seven

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Sorry it's been a loooooooooooooong time.. life is hectic at the moment haha 


I bit my tongue to keep my laughter at bay when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw my doctor coming through the door. The second I saw his hair giggles poured out of my mouth, making pain shoot through my head but I ignored it and continued on laughing. I heard Asia laughing along with me and saw her clutching her stomach, lying on her back at the foot of my hospital bed.

When we finally stopped laughing, we both were breathing heavily and wiping tears from our faces. My doctor was standing at the side of my bed, looking at us like we were crazy. “Do I want to know what’s so funny?” he asked curiously.

“Um… We were just talking about something that happened yesterday,” I said, sneaking a glance at his hair and biting my lip to keep from grinning like a fool.

When Katie arrived at the school, I’d begged her to check Asia out so she could come with us. After I’d pestered her the whole time she was filling out the required paper work, she relented and took Asia out of class. But I regretted having her come along after she made fun of me for tripping. It really wasn’t that funny and it could happen to anyone!

I had been in a bad mood when my nurse had brought me back to my room (a large private room my mom had insisted I have, even though I was only going to be here for a few hours) after I’d gotten my head x-rayed. My head had still been killing me and the pain meds they’d given me hadn’t kicked in yet.

I snapped at Asia when she’d carelessly plopped down onto my bed, making my head bounce around and sending shock waves of pain through my skull. After I finished yelling at her, she simply raised an eyebrow at me and calmly asked if I was done. She then continued to talk to me as if nothing had happened and we ended up joking and laughing like we always did when we are together. Katie just sat in the corner of my room, doing a cross word puzzle and laughing at us every now and then.

We’d made fun of Dr. Clark’s hair while we were joking around. It’s long at the side and he has part of it flipped over and greased down, creating a hideous comb over. Asia had commented how he must think that ladies like it, the way he carried himself in front of Katie, cockily running his fingers through the greasy mess when he talked to her. This made Katie blush and throw her pen at Asia’s head, which just made us laugh even more.

“Okay, then. How’s your head feeling?” Dr. Clark’s face shifted from amusement to professional in a second. His eyes left mine and they went to the left side of my forehead, right below my hair line where a bump and a bruise were currently forming. He reached out and touched the bump, not softly like Kyle had and I bit my tongue, stopping the gasp of pain.

“It’s okay. It’s just a really bad head ache now. It’s nothing like before,” I told him, wishing he would stop touching my head or at least to try and be gentle. He’s a doctor for crying at loud! Doesn’t he know that hurts?

When he finally took his hand back, I sighed in relief. “Well, after looking at your x-rays, I can say that there doesn’t appear to be any damage to your brain and I’m fairly certain you don’t have a concussion,” he said, smiling down at me, “Your head is going to hurt, though, but regular over the counter pain medicine should help.”

“So, she’s okay?” Katie asked, speaking for the first time since I’d come back from my x-ray.

He gave her a reassuring smile as ran his fingers through his hair and said, “She is perfectly fine.” Asia and I both coughed, trying to hide out laughter.

Katie’s cheeks turned red but she let out a sigh of relief and smiled at me. “You can go home as soon as your mom gets here. If your headache gets any worse or doesn’t go away within a couple days, come back and we’ll take another look,” Dr. Clark said.

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