Azerbaijan GP: Thursday

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  Despite the fact that I slept 2 hours I was feeling pretty good and full of energy. Today I had an interview with Fernando. Yes, I am totally okay.

  I hoped to see him on breakfast, but luck wasn't on my side. I saw Valtteri Bottas and Marcus Ericsson, some pilots from Formula 2 and russian commentator Popov. After finishing my meal, I moved to pit-lane walk, that was about to start in...

- 10 minutes??!!! - I took my bag and rushed to the paddock. Celine was already waiting for me there.

- I thought you forgot. Met Alonso? - she smiled.

- No...

- What time is the interview today?

- 5:30 in the evening. I am nervous. Hella nervous.

- Don't be, just don't forget to tell him your name. Okay?

I nodded.


During the pit-lane walk we were standing next to the Sauber garage. Engineers and mechanics were doing their job without paying any attention to us. I never stood so close to the boxes during some work of their. The feeling is amazing. I looked at the huge queue, that didn't end. Funny, last year I was one of them and now I am standing on the other side of permitted territory. 

- Who is that guy?- Celine asked, pointing at a random guy in Sauber's garage.

- Charles. Charles Leclerc, their pilot.

- Looks nice.

- You have a boyfriend...

- I know! But nobody said I can't just stare at hotties. - she laughed. - I gotta go, darling, chicks are already waiting.

- Good luck, don't let them come near McLaren.

- Of course, haha!


I was waiting next to the racing tower for Tom, who had to help us with interview. It wasn't me who had to talk with Fernando, but I didn't mine. Pretty sure my sentences would be a mess.

- Hey, Noa. - Tom shook my hand. - Ready?

- As never!

- Great! Lets go then, they are waiting.

*Fernando's POV*

I was tired, indeed. Jet lag, interviews, photoshoots, fans. Had to do the last interview for today and move to have a little dinner before team briefing.

- What kind of questions will be asked?

- Standard ones: How is the track, your favorite part etc. - Silvia answered. I took a sip of my cola and sat outside our motorhome. After a while, I saw a group of people with camera and mic, Tom next to them and a random girl in BCC uniform. Her face is similar though...

- Hello. - Tom approached and introduced his people. - This is Jake, Ali, Mat and Noa. 

Noa. Her face was really similar, feels like I've seen her before, but can't remember details. She was looking at me in a strange way. Her skin was pale and hands stone cold. Maybe she was feeling unwell? Why do I even care?

- Hello. - I greeted them and prepared for the questions. During the process Noa didn't say a word, she was only staring at me, but it wasn't making me uncomfortable. Sometimes she tilted her head to the left side and I even found it cute. As I see, she may be 25 or less years old.

*Noa's POV*

Fernando was looking at me during his interview and couldn't understand was it because of stares I gifted or because he needed a spot to concentrate on. I didn't listen to him because of all the thoughts I had. Should I remind about myself? How to do that? And what will I say? Oh hello Fernando, remember me? I was waiting for you in front of the hotel in 2016 to give you a hug. Stupid brain.

- And the final question... - I heard Mat saying. Is it over? So fast? No, please.

*Fernando's POV*

I saw how Noa's face expression changed when the interview guy said it was the last question. She didn't want it to end? So, she is a fan. Or crazy stalker?

- Fernando?- Mat called me. I forgot about question, damn it.

- Hm? Sorry, can you repeat the question.

  After the interview was over they were discussing stuff with Silvia. Noa was still looking at me, but this time she was trying to revert her eyes whenever I was turning her direction. But, of course, I noticed it and smiled.

*Noa's POV*

He smiled. Now he thinks of me as a crazy fan, right? I ruined everything? For sure. Please, lets leave the paddock, please.

- Fernando, these guys want to make some photos of the garage for tomorrow. From the outside. - Silvia told him. - So, after FP1 don't leave fast, okay?

He nodded and looked at me. I smiled, but pretty sure it was a freaking one, as I was nervous as hell. He laughed a little. Did I blush?

- Thank you for the interview, mate. - Tom shook Fernando's hand and we were about to leave. Fernando shook everybody's hands. Now it was my turn.

- Goodbye, Noa.

Thats it. I can die now.

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