Azerbaijan GP: Saturday Morning

678 45 8

*Fernando's POV* 

  I couldn't sleep as much as I needed to. Silvia is going to kill me... I couldn't remember the last time anyone declined my proposal of a picture. The thing is that she hooked me on the feeling, turned the adrenaline on. I haven't experienced this for a long time. I feel the desire to fight, but... for whom? Girl, whom I will leave here tomorrow evening? To be honest, thoughts about it make me sad. Tomorrow is the last day... 

*Noa's POV* 

  Tomorrow is the last day. It makes me so sad, that I don't even want to go out to F1 world. I hoped that my rejection will make him more interested in me, but on the other hand - he is a famous, and one of the best, Formula 1 drivers. Why should he care? Its kinda stupid to think another way, so I decided not to give big hoped on these days. And lets not forget that he already has a girlfriend. 

- Noa, can you meet with Tom in the paddock? - Dylan approached me with some papers in her hands. - He should be next to Red Bull garages. Please, give it to him, he needs this asap. 

- No problem, on my way. - I smiled and left the office, hoping not to see Fernando. 


- Good morning, Tom. 

- Noa, good morning! Oh, thank you so much for this, - he took all the papers, - you saved my life. 

- No problem! - I smiled and was ready to come back. 

- Wait, can you give me a hand in the last thing? - he said. 

- Of course! 

- Matt was about to make an interview with Fernando and Stoffel today. But he won't be able to do that during to shootings. 

Please, please whatever you want, but... 

- ... So, I was thinking, maybe you can do that instead? 

- Well... I... 

- Great! I will notify Silvia. After FP3 you should be at McLaren motorhome, okay? 

I nodded. 

- You are great, see you! 


*Fernando's POV* 

- Oh, Matty won't be able to take interview guys. - Silvia said. Me and Stoffel were having a little coffee break in our motorhome. 

- Oh... Why so? - Vandoorne asked in a sad voice. He is so pure, I swear. 

- Don't know, to be honest, but Tom said that BCC worker, Noa, will. 

I choked and both of them looked at me.

- How interesting! Fernando was looking for this name's meaning yesterday! - Stoffel laughed. One more word and he will be very dead, I swear. 

- Oh really? - Silvie raised an eyebrow. -  You know this girl, Fernando? 

- N... No, I... Well, she was with guys here on Thursday. So... Uhm, yeah, I do, but... I don't. 

  They were silent for a moment, and then continued their work. Gosh... She will be making an interview? Hah, thats where I will make my turn in our little game. 

*** Interview time after FP3*** 

*Noa's POV* 

I was waiting for Fernando in McLaren motorhome, he was late. He does that on purpose, doesn't he? Stoffel and I already finished our interview and we were chatting about stuff. He is such an angel. 

- There he comes! - Stoffel pointed to the motorhome entry. Fernando shook hands with his teammate and nodded to me. 

- Lets start? - Silvia smiled and closed the doors. I prepared the mic and Jack took the camera. Fernando looked... strange. I don't like his smirk. 

- The first question is: what is your favorite part of the track? 

- Hmmm... I think that part that leads to the Old City and Turn 8 and 9. 

- Did you have an opportunity to walk around the city? 

- I did in 2016, but sadly not this time. I wish I could, because the city is beautiful and people are very kind. I even got an invitation for a night pizza. 

I almost dropped the mic. He smirked even more. Damn, what are you doing, spaniard? 

- Oh... Really? Thats interesting. - I joked it off. - And what about the weather? 

- For me its okay, but you must be really cold, aren't you? 

  I looked down to hide the red color of my face. He is playing dirty... I was wearing a t-shirt and because the sun was hidden in the clouds, it was pretty cold. But why does he acts like this?! 

  The interview was over, Jack headed to the office and I was waiting for Dylan in the paddock. Suddenly, I felt something on my shoulders. 

- Wha... 

- Told you it is cold. 

*Fernando's POV* 

I covered her shoulders with my McLaren jacket. After a while I can show it as a reason to meet with her again - to get my jacket back. I am genius. She looked at me with her big dark brown eyes. 

- Th... Thank you...  

- Did I scare you? 

- A little. 

- As I see its not difficult. - I smiled. 

- Ha ha, at least I am not playing dirty with that interview thing. 

- Me playing dirty?! It was you who started! 

- Me? I just ... Duh! Anyway, I have to go now. Maybe you should... - she wanted to give the jacket back, but I took her hands away from the zipper, but didn't let them go. 

- Take it, its pretty cold. 

- But what about you? Won't you be cold as well? 

I was pretty impressed that she cares even now. I was in my McLaren t-shirt that was very light. Linda never cared whenever I gave her my coats. 

- I will be fine. - I smiled warmly and she gave me the same action. 

- Thank you, Fernando. I will bring it back after qualification. 

- Better before. I want you to be in boxes to watch it. 

- Really? Again? Won't you have problems because of me? 

I laughed. 

- No, don't worry. I will be waiting. 

- I'll come. - she smiled and ran away, screaming THANKS for the last time. 

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