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When everything is lost, don't give up fighting and keep trying.

You know that you can reach anything you want, if you have the will to fight.

So the next time you are down on your knees and everything around you seems to stand still, get up and keep trying.

If everything seems to fall apart, you know that you can fix it, you just have to be strong. You can do it, because you know that after the storm comes the sun. Maybe the  storm will tear you apart and make you feel empty, but the sun will give you new strength and hope.

So the next time you are down on your knees and everything around you seems to stand still, get up and keep trying.

Sometimes life is hard and you have to fight for your dreams, but you know that anything is possible if you just keep fighting. You have to fight for your dreams, for love and for live, but every single fight is worth it.

So the next time you are down on your knees and everything around you seems to stand still, get up and keep trying.

Because someday you will see the light!

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