The Visit

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When Little Patricia was about four years old, she went to see a very strange cuddly old man, wearing bright red garments. He had a long white beard and long hair and he did not impress her much and she was very wary of him. She had to sit on his ample knee and didn't like it at all!

He asked her if she had been a good girl, to which she probably nodded her head as children are not supposed to talk to strangers! Her answer may or may not have been the truth at the time, depending on what she'd been doing, but mostly she was good. He then asked her what she wanted for Christmas, I don't know what she said, but probably 'a dolly' this was her favourite toy.

The old man gave her a present and then it was the turn of the next child. The present was put in her mother's bag (can't really remember the details, but it makes sense that this happened) and not opened until they reached home. Inside the parcel was a set of...wait for it... six plastic egg cups! They were in very bright primary colours, red, yellow, blue and green and were quite pretty for egg cups, but no use at all as a toy! Patricia was mightily disappointed and her mother very cross that such a man as Father Christmas could give a little girl such a present.

This could only happen to Little Patricia. Her life has gone in the same vein ever since. Ha, ha.

Funny or what?

May 2018

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