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Here are four of the stupidest things I have done in my 42 years of marriage. I am sure there are lots more, but either I can't remember, or refuse to tell anybody about them. Ha, ha.

1. I was cleaning out the freezer one time and I hadn't turned it

off, it was still connected to the electricity. I wiped over the back

of it and received an electric shock which passed all they way up

my arm. It was so scary! And absolutely STUPID.

2. I put a kettle of water on to boil and then went out into the garden and

spent twenty minutes talking to my neighbour over the garden wall. I

came back into the kitchen to find a room full of steam and a kettle

almost boiled dry! I always made sure I had a kettle which turned itself

off after that. It took some time to dry out the kitchen walls, but at least

it was during the summer time. How STUPID!

3. Whilst defrosting out another freezer in my first apartment I suddenly

realised it was still connected to the electricity and therefore was not

defrosting at all, despite my efforts with hot bowls of water etc. 


(My friend had just committed suicide at this time, so I had an excuse.

I was not thinking straight at the time).

4. This happened in November 2018 in my present flat (apartment).

I decided I hadn't cleaned out the fluff from the filter on my washing machine.

I was feeling a bit stressed as lots of little jobs had piled up during

my husband's illness (see how I'm kindda blaming him!). I took the

screwed in plug out of the filter, to find water cascading all over me and

the kitchen floor!

The washing machine was turned on and working and actually filling with

water at the time! Well, it certainly cleaned out the fluff! I had to hurriedly

replace the plug and wade across to my hall cupboard to get old sheets to

throw down to mop up the water.


Now you know how STUPID I am, please don't tell anyone else!

Promise? Cross your heart and hope to die?  

Nov. 2018

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