(4) Production

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The first night I slept in Aaliyah's room. She was very kind and I started to feel like I had a new friend.
I texted my parents, told them I arrived safely and that they had been really nice to me.
The next day de went to Times Square. It was si much bihger than I thought. It was amazing. It was not only Shawn, Aaliyah and me, the recording team, the one who makes the music video, was there, too, and they recorded the scene where we enter walking through the street.
Shawn had my age. He's hair was brown and it looked soft. I looked at him and he smiled at me, which made me look to the front again. I blushed. And then I laughed.

SHAWN: What? Don't you like my smile?
ME: Nono, it's just...
SHAWN: I know...
ME: This, is...amazing-
SHAWN: Wanna go to the Liberty Statue on a boat?
ME: What?
SHAWN: No! I'm joking!
ME: Hahaha...

Something made me felt like I knew him from always.

He told me that in the afternoon we would start recording the voices for the video of In my blood.
When we arrived to the house, a table with any food you can imagine was waiting for us.
We had lunch all together with the family. When we finished, Shawn told me to go with him and just the two of us sat around a table and talked about business. By that, I mean that we separated who would sing each part.
We decided on this:

 We decided on this:

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(Shawn sings the red part, Josie the blue one, and both the orange

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(Shawn sings the red part, Josie the blue one, and both the orange.)

After that, we went to his studio. I was enormous. A 30-40-year-old man was inside and he was very sympathetic. We made some "exercises" to warm the throat (like saying la-la-la) and said things about ourselves to get to know each other better. It sounds a little childish, but it was actually very cool.
After that, we started recording. I didn't know the song, so I had the lyrics in front of me, and it was a bit weird because sometimes Shawn looked at it.
While singing, Josh, the man of the studio, told me some corrections for the notes and some tones that I should change.
When we finished, we heard the recordings. I had never heard my voice with autotune. It was so...clear and bright, and... different.
When we went back to the house it was 8 PM. I was exhausted. I didn't sleep too much the night before. I was founding really difficult to sleep since the first day of school.
However, no matter how tired I was, I should keep the enthusiasm because we were going to have dinner in a beautiful and elegant restaurant.
I didn't have any elegant dress, just a few makeup, so Aaliyah gave me a red dress which was very nice.

I didn't have any elegant dress, just a few makeup, so Aaliyah gave me a red dress which was very nice

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I had a red lip gloss. I shaded my eyes a little bit and then I went out of the room. Shawn was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. He looked...awesome.
The next day we went to the cinema before going to where we were supposed to record the video.
We watched Avengers Infinity Wars. It was good but veeeeery long.
It was more or less 2 PM when we went to a bar to start recording. The little cabin which had my name had the clothes and the make up I should wear. Shawn's cabin was in front of mine's.
When I finished dressing up and some girls finished making my hair and putting on my makeup, they said that I should look for Shawn. I knocked on the door but there was no answer.
I entered and I said "Shawn?", but again no answer. I looked for him at the dressing room but no one was there. Then I entered the toilet. "Shawn?". Then I heard the shower water turn off.
I apologized and went out fast. I knocked on the door again and told him that I would wait for him outside. That scene beat the record of Christian's shameful moment. This was the "most humiliating moment number one".
I waited for him for half an hour and then he went out. He had a white t-shirt, blue jeans, white snickers and crazy hair.
I was wearing a jean jacket, a white top, a black jean and small black boots.
We entered the bar and there were a million cameras. Josh was there. He told us the idea of the video and the planification it had.
Time passed and all we did was to prepare, analyze, and finish the idea of the video. We didn't record anything.
Shawn drove the way to the home. We were listening to the radio and then Dua Lipa's IDGAF song started playing. I always admired her songs, and I couldn't resist singing. Shawn started singing too, but he didn't know the lyrics so it was the funniest thing ever.
We talked for a while and then he asked me about...me. I got very serious at that moment.
I told him about my family. I told him about school. I told him about my friends and about my music-
SHAWN: Well, looks like your life's the best-
ME: Ha, mine? Look around! You got everything...
SHAWN: We're not talking about me. Well, looks like you got lots of friends-
ME: Yeah! They're...the best. Oh! And two of them are big fans of you. Would you mind if you send them a picture or a video?
SHAWN: Oh! Ok. Do you want to record me?
ME: Ok. Um, thanks. They will love this. You don't know how much it means to them-
SHAWN: Anything for you, Josie.

For some reason, I blushed. I recorded him and then he said:
SHAWN: You talked about your friends but...Can I ask you...Is there someone in your life? I mean-
ME: Wow you mean boys? Nah, I still got time.
SHAWN: Well, someone like you should have lots of guys in a line...
ME: Um, I...um.
SHAWN: Ok, sorry if that was uncomfortable. I really didn't want-
ME: Nono, no problem. (And I smiled)

No one had ever said something to me like that. It was just amazing. Then we talked about the passion we both shared: music
We were having a great time, and we ended up talking about the video we would make: first, two lovers would be in a bar and the girl feels bad and the boy helps her and they drink some little things and then they go by their sides. The boy would then appear in his room looking at his phone anxiously and then calls the girl and they would go to a fair where they entertained and they end up in a stage or a dark place and end. We had already made the "bar" part that day.
I couldn't wait for the production of the rest of the video.

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