Chapter 9

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I looked down at the ground embarrassed that I ran into him.

"Hi" I said nervously. "I'm Abby."

"Nice to meet you." He said cheerfully. "What brings you here?"

Um my family always comes here with some friends every spring break what about you?" i said smiling.

"Oh I am here with my family too. I have never been to this hotel, or Florida before actually. Do you mind showing me around?" He said excited.

"Sure let me just get my friend morgan and we can go. Just wait right here." I said as I turned my body quickly and headed for morgans room.

I came back seconds later and matt was still there leaning up against the wall. I had to admit he was really cute.


We showed mat around the hotel and beach and I heard my phone buzzing. It was grant. I had totally forgotten about his show.

"Hello?" I said nervously.

"Abby where are you? I am starting in 10 minutes and you aren't here." He said obviously upset.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Grant I got distracted I will be there in 2 minutes."

And with that I started running and yelling back and morgan and matt that I was going to be late for Grant's show and that I will catch up with them later.

Once I made my way up to the front of the stage, which by the way was surprisingly really difficult. I never would have imagined this big of a turn out at his show.

He came up onto the stage with his guitar and looked out into the crowd and smiled. After saying thank you and that he loved them he went to the mike about to sing when his eyes meet mine. He winked and smiled.

"This first song goes out to someone very special to me." He said into the mike.

And before you know it he was singing 1234 my favorite song. I was so happy I started to cry.

Around 3 songs into the show I get a text.

*hey i think that matt kid likes you! he hasn't shut up about you since you left. Ugh why can't he like me he is so cute!*

I laughed and slid my phone back into my pocket. As cute and fun as Matt was I was head over heals with Grant and nothing was going to change that.

At least I hoped.

Closer -grant landisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt