Announcing The Pregnancy

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2 months later...

"Harry ? Harry is it true that Brook is pregnant?"

"Brook? Are rumors just rumors or is there a true sorry behind all those things?"

"Brooklyn? Could you answer some questions about all the stories going around the world?"

"Mr Styles, what about you and Brook? Is there something we should know?"

These are only a few sentences of those which are in my mind the whole day.

Paparazzi are driving me crazy at the moment. And it seems like Harry can't handle all those questions as well since he changed a lot. It seems like he's not half the man he used to be. He doesn't talk that much. He's always alone in his room, watching soccer or reading books.

"Harry? Liam asked if we wanna go on a little trip with him? He doesn't know where to go yet but he said it'll be something fun." I say while laying in mine and Harry's bed with him. As every morning, the windows are opened and the fresh air comes in the room and makes me feeling good and happy.

"How long?"

"I'm not sure but probably a few days. Sounds fun, huh?" I smile at Harry while reading a new message Liam has sent me.

"He says it'll be lots of fun. He wants to go to Costa Rica or something! How cool is that? He said he won't plan anything. Just traveling around and having fun" I say with a huge smile on my face. This whole thing sounds like heaven to me since I love traveling more than anything else in this world.

"Hmm no.. I don't think it's a good idea." Harry mumbles as I look at him and see him staring into nowhere.

"Oh okay." I stutter with a more than annoyed voice and crawl out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks while sitting up straight on the edge of the bed and running with his fingers through his long and beautiful curls.

"I told you yesterday?!"

"Oh sorry hun. What was it again?" My "rockstar" as I like to call him asks and stands up to walk to me.

"I go meet all the boys at Zayn's. Just talking and maybe going out for lunch or maybe surprising some fans." I say snippy and walk to my wardrobe.

"Oh yeah right..." Harry mumbles and make his way in my direction.

"Why so angry my love?" He asks and hugs me from behind. Even tho I love feeling his shirtless body on mine, I move one step away from him to put my clothes on.

"I'm not angry" I answer quickly.

"You don't wanna come with us, do ya?" I ask and go in the bathroom which is connected with our bedroom.

"I can't. Sorry" Harry shouts as I look in our bedroom and see him laying down in our bed again.

"Oh wow. What a surprise.." I mumble to myself and start putting makeup on.

"Did you say something?" Harry shouts as I hear him switching on the TV.

"No!" I give back and lock the door of the bathroom.

What happened? Did I do something wrong? Why is Harry so different? I miss the old days where we all used to hang out together almost every single day. I really do miss hanging out with Harry in different cities and being completely weird as if nobody is watching us. I miss the old Harry...

I feel a tear running down my face and wipe it away instantly. I love Harry but does he still love me? Maybe there's nothing we can tell each other anymore. Maybe... We're just over this whole "love" thing.

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