Chapter 7

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Sky didn't see much of Dan or Lizzie for the next few days since they were busy taking care of Jordan. Stacy and Stampy were in the lab most of the time, which left the other three to themselves.

Mitch had gotten more distant from the others each day. Jason tried to talk to him but the Blaze holder would always push him away. Sky had enough of it. Nine of their friends were already missing, and he wasn't going to let another slip away.

One day, he found Mitch staring out the window. "Mitch, I want to talk." Sky said.

Mitch let out a grunt of disagreement and the temperature in the room rose slightly. However, Sky wasn't going to back down this time. "You've been avoiding everyone ever since we got here. Is something wrong?"

"No." Mitch muttered, still not turning to face Sky.

"It's Jerome isn't it."

The Brine knew that he must've guessed correctly because Mitch suddenly whipped around to face him. "Don't, talk, about him."

"Mitch, you can't keep your anger to yourself forever." Sky said. The tension between the two was growing, and Sky knew that it was only a matter of time until Mitch was going to snap.

"Shut up." Mitch spat, his eyes narrowing.

"No. You shut up and listen to what I have to say. Entity has nearly everyone captive right now, and you having a mental breakdown isn't helping." Sky's voice rose as he felt the air grow hotter.

"I'm not having a mental breakdown!"

"Then why aren't you talking to anyone? Once Jerome was captured, you just shut yourself out!"

"Alright, I'll just start talking again! Is that what you want?"

"I want the old Mitch back. The one who cracks jokes, the one who's laughing and smiling all the time." Sky pleaded.

"Well that died when Jerome was captured!"

Mitch turned his back to Sky again, a heavy silence filling the air along with a cooling feeling. Then, there was a sniffle. Sky was confused when he realized that it wasn't him, until Mitch faced him again.

Tears were working their way down his face, his body trembling. When Mitch finally spoke again, his voice was the most broken one Sky had heard.

"I just want him back."

And with that, Mitch collapsed to the floor and let out a sob. Sky's heart dropped as he'd never heard anyone cry like this before. He slowly walked over to the Blaze Hybrid's side and knelt down. "It's ok. I'm here for you."

Mitch suddenly shot back up and wrapped Sky in a hug. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. I miss the others too." Sky muttered, returning the hug.

The two stayed like that for a while until Mitch's sobs dialed down to steady breathing. They let go of each other and Mitch wiped his eyes. He had a determined smile and a new glint in his eyes.

"Now, let's go back to Jordan. We need some answers about Entity."


"We all know he can teleport."

"No shoot, Sherlock."

Mitch and Sky had joined Jason and Dan back in Jordan's room. The latter two were happy to see that Mitch had come out of his shell and welcomed him back with Jason being a little too overhyped.

Jordan was still confined to his bed after complaining that his back still hurt. Besides that, he looked a lot better than when Sky had first seen him. His bloodied wounds were faint scars, and his ankle was back to normal.

"Lizzie's potions really work." Mitch said.

"They do! Most of the time." Dan trailed off at the end, a smile appearing on his face.

"Most of the time?" Jason questioned.

"This one time, she nearly blew up her room after she accidentally dropped some gunpowder into a potion." Dan explained. "You should've seen her face. Probably the best-"

He was cut off by Jordan suddenly moaning in pain. The joyful mood instantly vanished as everyone's attention turned to Jordan. "Dude, you ok?" Sky asked.

"My, my back." Jordan growled through his clenched teeth.

"Get him onto his stomach." Dan ordered as the four young men jumped to their feet.

Jason was first to react and gently pushed Jordan onto his stomach. When they saw the cause of the pain, Dan nearly screamed.

A message was burning through the t-shirt Jordan was wearing, and it was like something from a horror movie. Burned into Jordan's back were the words,


"Oh, we are so f***ed."



Ayyy so I'm finally uploading a chapter! Sorry it took two months. School and relaxing XD

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