Chapter 1: TJ Keisuke, problem child

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TJ Keisuke was a 13 year old boy, fresh out of the ninja academy of the Village of Flames after he had saved his now former teacher, Masanori Nakamura from an attack from a Flame Village traitor, but it still didn't change the way the village looked at him. They looked at him with hatred.
'These people are so ungrateful. Time to give them a piece of my mind' TJ thought as he grabbed a bunch of buckets of paint.

The next day:
"WHAT THE HECK?!" a person yelled.
"WHY IS MY RESTURANT PAINTED SO MANY COLORS? IT LOOKS LIKE A RAINBOW THREW UP ON IT!" another person yelled. Little did the people know, Masanori was passing by this part of the village and he sighed.
"TJ again? He just graduated and he already did something that could get him in trouble" Masanori told himself as he decided to change directions and walk to TJ's apartment.

TJ was sleeping, but that sleep didn't last very long as a rock was thrown into his window, waking the boy up.
"GET OUT OF THE VILLAGE!" yelled a person outside of his apartment building.
"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DISAPPEAR AND DIE?" yelled another. TJ decided to get up and look outside the window and saw an angry mob of people.
"This happens everyday, even when I don't do anything... why can't these people just leave me alone?!" TJ asked, thinking outloud. Suddenly TJ heard a loud bang on the front door and the sound of wood breaking. That was no knock... someone broke his door and they were coming in.
"Oh crap... I just glued that door back together last week" TJ said as he opened his window and climbed out of it and went on the balconey. He jumped, barely catching the balconey above him and climbed up.

Masanori ran and finally got to TJ's apartment building to see an angry mob and TJ climbing higher up his apartment building, trying to escape the mob who wanted his life. Masanori then put his hands on the ground.
"Earth style: Rock wall" A wall made made from the ground seperated the mob from getting closer to TJ's apartment building.
"WHAT THE..." said a guy. The mob turned to see Masanori standing there with an angry look.
"It's Masanori." a person in the crowd said.
"I will deal with TJ, all of you just go home" Masanori told the people. The people began to grumble.
"Would you rather me take this up with Lord Firestar?" Masanori asked. The people all backed off and walked home and TJ layed down in the balconey he was on, relieved. Masanori leaped and landed on the same balconey TJ was on.
"Seriously, I gotta learn how you can jump that high Masanori Sensei" TJ told Masanori.
"TJ, you just graduated from the academy? Why would you paint the buildings on Masaru street?" Masanori asked.
"I don't know. Maybe because they keep telling me to die. Or because lots of them are the same people who are in hate rallies against me. Why are there hate rallies against me anyway? What have I ever done to them before I started pranking them anyway?" TJ asked. The fact was, TJ only started to prank the people when he realized the people were going to treat him badly anyway.
"Still, you're going to wash off that paint, and then I'll... I'll get you some pizza. How does that sound?" Masanori asked. TJ looked at him happily.
"Pizza?! Awesome! You mean it?" TJ asked. Masanori nodded.
"You are about to be a ninja apprentice now. We gotta celebrate it somehow" Masanori replied. Masanori then remembered about the Earth wall he put up and he undid the technique.

"TJ, remind me. What's your goal in life?" Masanori asked as he and TJ waited for the pizza to be served at their table. (As for how pizza is even in this world... that is a question to be answered later).
"My goal? My goal is to become the Firestar. Maybe if I do that, people will stop treating me like a disease and really start to respect me." TJ answered. Masanori smiled.
"You do realize how hard that is, right? The Firestar is the greatest ninja in the village. You'll have to work hard to do that." Masanori pointed out. TJ nodded.
"You once told me that nothing in life worth doing is ever that easy. I'll work harder than ever. I'll train hard, become the Firestar and surpass all the other Firestar." TJ told Masanori
"Surpass all the other Firestar huh?" Masanori said with a soft smile.
'TJ, that goal of yours will be very difficult. I want to warn you about all the dangers of a life as a ninja, but... I don't want to sound like I am trying to discourage you. The world already treats you bad enough. I want to tell you to work hard and never give up, but something tells me you will' Masanori thought just as the pizza came and the two started to eat.

Keisuke Volume 1: Enter TJ KeisukeWhere stories live. Discover now