Chapter 2: Ninja team formations, Team 5 is born

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The next day:
TJ was on his way to the ninja academy. All graduates of the academy had to meet there to find out what teams they were in, who their teammates are, and their new teachers. On the way there, TJ saw one of his former classmates Shinta Nakano, who was looking at him in confusion.
"TJ, why are you wearing a Flame Village headband... didn't you fail our graduation exam?" Shinta asked. TJ groaned, not wanting to remember that.
"I did a retake" TJ replied, not wanting to explain how his "retake" was accidentally taking a scroll belonging to the Firestar full of secret techniques and learning one and using it to save Masanori.
"I see. I didn't think they would offer retakes this year. You got lucky. Or maybe not. Who knows? This might be a lot of work. Work... the idea of it... how irritating" Shinta replied. TJ just rolled his eyes on the 'irritating' comment and continued on his way.

When TJ arrived to his former classroom he walked in and took a seat at a table, not caring about who was next to him. Or at least he didn't care until he was pushed out of his chair.
"Sit over there TJ, that is my seat" said a female voice. It belonged to TJ's crush, Hanako Hirose. That's when TJ realized the one originally sitting next to him was Takeshi Uchiyama, the most popular guy at the Academy when they were students. He was also the most gifted at pretty much everything. His clan was one of the most famous clans of the village, until they were slaughtered. (Clearly it's obvious what character Takeshi was supposed to be a parody of. Lol). Hanako was pointing far away from the table, wanting to sit with Takeshi and hopefully have his undivided attention. Instead TJ sat on the 3rd chair at the table.
"TJ, you aren't wanted here!" Hanako told him.
"Yeah? Well what else is new? It's not like I'm wanted on the other side of the room either. It's not like I'm wanted in this village, so what else is new?" TJ asked, making some people wince at the statement. The class was silenced, not sure how to answer TJ. The golden eyed boy (yes TJ has gold eyes) rolled his eyes at the silence and looked forward as Masanori Sensei walked in.

'I hope I get teamed up with Hanako, maybe then I can finally earn her respect, and she will be able to see me as me and not an idiot.' TJ thought as Masanori had announced teams 1-4.
"Team 5 will consist of... TJ Keisuke, Hanako Hirose,..." Masanori started.
'YES! Maybe my luck is turning around after all' TJ thought.
"and Takeshi Uchiyama. Your teacher will be Miyagi Noriyuki" Masanori announced.
'Scratch that... my luck still sucks' TJ thought.
'YES YES YES! I'M ON TAKESHI'S TEAM!!!' Hanako thought.
"Hey Masanori Sensei, why was I put on the same team as Takeshi?" TJ asked, clearly upset by the decision.
"It's simple. He had the best grades of your class, you had the worst. Your team will be balanced that way" Masanori answered.
"When we go on missions, just stay out of my way loser" Takeshi told TJ. TJ looked at Takeshi with anger.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" TJ yelled.
"DON'T YELL AT TAKESHI!" the girls in the room yelled at TJ.
'Yup. My luck sucks' TJ thought.

Watching the newly made apprentice rank ninja were their new teachers. The Firestar showed the teachers what was happening with an ancient artifact known as the seeker's box, in which a user with pure intentions can see what is happening from distances away like we could watch a tv. Team 5's new sensei, Miyagi Noriyuki, sighed.
"Those three don't look like they'll work together well as a team" Miyagi said.
"Having someone as untalented as TJ Keisuke your student, I do not envy you Miyagi" another Master rank ninja named Katsumi told Miyagi.
'His lack of talent isn't my worst worry. It's his isolation. How can someone expect to work in a team, an act that requires trust in other people, when all other people has done to him is hurt him?' Miyagi thought, continuing to look intently into the seeker's box.

As all the other people left with their new sensei, all that was left was Team 5. Their sensei was late.
"How the heck can we trust a sensei who is late? How do we know he will take our training seriously?" TJ asked, thinking out loud.
"Don't judge our sensei. You don't even know him TJ" Hanako replied.
"For once I think the loser has a point. If our sensei can't show up for something as minor as a meet and greet, how can we expect him to show up on time for our missions?" Takeshi added. Hanako looked at Takeshi, surprised by his agreement with TJ.
"I suppose if you put it that way, you are right" Hanako said. TJ sighed and then got a bucket and some water ballons and got to work on a trap.

When Miyagi got inside the classroom where his new students were waiting... he was expecting them to be upset at him keeping them waiting... just not so upset that he'd get water ballons landing on his head as soon as he entered the room.
'So they left a trap like that huh. If I were expecting an attack it would have been easy to notice... but I had my guard down' Miyagi thought as the last water ballon splashed his head.
'TJ's trap really got him! SCORE!' Hanako thought.
'This is the guy supposed to teach us how to become ninja. How lame.' Takeshi thought.
"Not even a hello was said... and you guys are already getting on my nerves" Miyagi said.
"Well maybe if you were on time, this wouldn't have happened." TJ replied, not in the mood to take crap from anyone.
'He's different than I thought he'd be.' Miyagi thought looking at TJ. What he expected was a borderline idiot... what he got was someone who was getting tired of being screwed over and was becoming more vocal about it. (Just because this was originally a Naruto parody, it didn't mean the 'Naruto' character had to be as loud and dense as him.)
"Let's just go the roof and do our introductions ok?" Miyagi said and started to lead his new students the roof of the academy.

"So let's start with you, the guy in orange with the gold eyes" Miyagi said pointing at TJ.
"Aren't you going to go first to tell us how this is going to work?" Hanako asked.
"Do I have to? It's simple. My name is Miyagi Noriyuki. I like a lot of things. I dislike a lot of things. I haven't thought of my dreams much lately, I'm done. Ok orange guy, you're up" Miyagi said.
"All we got was your name.... really? Ok. My name is TJ Keisuke. I like pizza and going to places with live music. I dislike the wait for the pizza because I just want my pizza and I hate it when people judge others and don't even let the person know why. As for my dream, it's to become the Firestar and surpass the other Firestars before me. That way I can prove to the people in this village that I'm not worthless or whatever" TJ said.
'So, he still doesn't know why the people hate him so much. Lord Firestar said he'd tell him soon. Also his goal is quite admirable.' Miyagi thought.
"Next, girly" Miyagi said.
"My name is Hanako Hirose. I like a certain guy. My dream is to be with this guy... and I dislike TJ who is a nuisance, I mean just because he lives all alone doesn't give him an excuse for being what he is. If my parents were to see me acting out like TJ..." Hanako said before getting cut off by Takeshi.
"What do you know about lonliness?" asked Takeshi. Hanako stopped talking for a moment.
"Takeshi, why would you ask such a random question?" Hanako asked.
"Tch. You're a nuisance" Takeshi replied. Hanako looked sad for a second before looking at TJ.
'Is this how he feels? I never thought about it before' Hanako thought.
"Anyway, last but not least..." Miyagi said.
"I am Takeshi Uchiyama. I don't like a lot of things and I dislike a whole bunch of things. My goal is to kill a certain person, a person who has wronged me and everyone I once cared about" Takeshi said.
'Revenge huh?' Miyagi thought.

Author note: Team 5 has met. Unlike Naruto Uzumaki, TJ still does not know why he is hated. After this volume this becomes less of a Naruto parody, but certain parody type things continue in the series.

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