Part 1

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A/N: You'll be reading from Jimins perspective

"Can Jimin come to the main office please"

I sighed

"But that's on the other side of the building" I muttered


The speakers roared with an angry tone, id better not keep that b!tch waiting....

I rushed down the eerily empty corridors, I swerved around corners effortlessly as I ran quicker and eventually arrived at the office door, I was panting and out of breath, sweat dripping from my forehead, dreading the moment I see that b!tch again

"I gotta work on my cardio" I panted

"COME IN !!"

A loud booming voice erupted from the room and echoed across the corridor

I anxiously opened the door, put on a fake smile and entered

"You wanted to see me ma'am ?" I asked in a polite tone

"Yes, please, take a seat"

Her hand gestured for me to sit on the chair opposite the desk, I reluctantly sat on the mouldy, half broken chair and sat up straight to face her, she sat down on her throne like chair and stared me in the eye for what felt like hours, she then spoke

"You know who the Trinity Seven are, dont you?"

Her eyes narrowed and looked at me sternly as she eagerly waited for my reply

"Of course, they were the most feared organisation up until we...i mean you took them down, if I'm informed correctly then you captured the leader and slaughtered the rest"

"Hmph, I see you know your stuff, but unfortunately you were informed wrong"


"Yes, well we all were, we thought that they were all dead but apparently not, after doing some more tests on our prisoner we managed to get some very valuable information"

"If you don't mind me asking ma'am, what sort of information?"

"The kind that suggests that they're all alive,!"

I was shocked to here this, I was positive that the team sent out to capture and kill them was successful, it never occurred to me that we were misinformed

"How do you know this, h-how are they alive?" I asked as I looked at her with curious eyes

"The tattoos"

"The what?"

"The tattoos, it's kind of like an identification, they each have their own unique tattoo located on their left shoulders"

"But how does this mean that they're all alive?"

"They don't just have one tattoo, they have seven, the other 6 are located on the palms of their hands, these symbols tell them wether the others  are alive or not"

"How'd you even find this out"

"We have specialists running tests 24/7 and this is just one of the many things that they found out"

"Wait, but what does the tattoos have to do with anything?"

"It's a long story but in short if one of them dies then their symbol disappears, and we've checked multiple times, all 6 symbols are still on his hands"

"So that means....."

"Yes Jimin, they're all still alive"

I didn't know what to say so I sat silently thinking about how they lived, that's until my boss spoke up

"And that's why I called you here, I'm transferring you to his unit"

"What ?!?! Why me?"

"You're the best person for getting information in this place, and I want you to get him to tell you where the rest of them are"

"I can't do that!"

"That wasn't a question, that was a demand"

Her tone became sterner as she stared at me with a raging fire in her eyes

"You're being transferred in 1 hour, pack up your office and be outside in 50 minutes"

"Yes ma'am" I said with a sigh

I slowly made my way out of the office and went to pack my things

~~~~~~~~50 minuets later~~~~~~~~
I stood outside in the bitter cold waiting for my ride, I stood there shivering, not from the cold, but from nerves, what if he kills me ? What if I mess it up? What if he tells me nothing?

All these thoughts bubbled in my head until a car snapped me out of my daydream, it drifted around the car park until it came to a stop just opposite me, the lights flashed at me as if to say "get the fuck in the car"

I rushed over and opened the door, I got inside and slammed the doo shut

"Whow go easy, this car is expensive"

"Seriously, you're the one who has to drive me to my new unit?!"

The man driving the car was Jackson, the social butterfly is what I like to call him, he knows everyone and everything about them, and did I mention he just doesn't know how to stop talking, this is going to be one long car journey.....

A/N: I know that this is short but it's the first story that I've ever wrote so it's not that great but I hope that with more experience In writing and if I get any constructive criticism then it may become better, anyway I hope you enjoyed it, I hope that you'll read he rest whenever I post it :)

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