Chapter 1. The Opening

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16 years in Quarantine Corner. A small town in the Puget Sound of Seattle Washington. We were a little society.
The only thing good about this place was that we could see the space needle. My mother told me that it used to light up, and the whole city could see it from miles away.
It was beautiful. Was.. Now, she says, it's covered in mold and rust, and it's not as taken care of as it used to be.
I was born here. I never got a chance to see the outside world. The elder people that live in the center part of Quarantine say that it was great. The houses, the people.. Everything.
They told me stories about the different things that happened through out history in this place.
I found it amusing. They way they told stories as if they were magical fairy tales.
I went to the elders building almost everyday. My mom worked there.
She would help cook in the kitchen and clean afterwards for a small profit.
My mom worked hard. If it wasn't for her, we would be living in the lower class area.
The lower class area is where all of the poorer people of the Quarantine live. The ones that didn't make enough money to live in houses or buy food and clothes for themselves. They either aren't well enough to work and get paid, or they just didn't want to.
There's not many kids in the lower class area. Thankfully their parents cared enough to work and get a living.
I have a job. I work in a little shop that makes bread and milk.
That's where I'm heading right now.
I get off of my bike and put it on the rack next to the building.

"Oh hey, man!" I hear as I walk in the door. It was from my best friend, Joshua, who I've known pretty much my whole life.
Apparently our moms were friends before the virus struck. And they just so happened to be in Quarantine together by coincidence.
My mom always said that Joshua and I were exactly alike. I never saw how though.
He had messy brown hair that went in all directions, and crazy blue eyes that you could probably see from miles. His skin was pale. He wore baggy T-shirts that he gets from the thrift store, and black jeans everyday, yet all the girls in school loved him.

Me, on the other hand, I had neat black hair, and my eyes were moss green, but nobody really noticed them because I wear glasses. I wore over-sized flannels and hoodies with with jeans, and chucks, yet I went unnoticed by most of the girls in school.
He was the trouble maker of our duo. And the class clown that everybody liked. I was the one who stayed in the back round and focused on grades. 

"Hey dude, what's up?" I said as I put on my work apron.
"Bro, did you hear about the opening they found?" He asked me sounding ecstatic.
"Opening..?" I questioned.
"Yeah, they said that they found a break in the fence. We
just might be able to ditch Quarantine and live the good life dude!"

"The good life?" I said.
"Yesss." He replied.

"You mean a life in hiding because of the virus we carry in our system?"
"Oh come on, Jacob." He said sighing and walking to the register at the front of the store. "You're smart enough to know that this whole 'virus' thing" he said using air quotes "is a total bust." He finished.
"How is it a bust?" I asked.
"If this was a virus, why can we do things like this," He lifted his pointer finger and a small flame ignited.
"I don't know." I said. "But the government does. And for some reason they don't want us out there beyond the fence."
He sighed and helped a lady that walked into the store.

Joshua wasn't wrong. This whole virus scene really is bizarre. We all questioned this 'virus' that the government locked us away for. The virus doesn't have a name, but it gives us abilities. Some people can control elements, and some can control people. Some can do both.
I'm one who can do both, and more. And when I say 'And more' I mean I have extra abilities that not a lot of people in Quarantine have. The extra abilities can vary. They can be good, or bad.
Only My mom and my brother know about them though. People with extra abilities are feared now, ever since this one guy went crazy a couple years back and destroyed a whole building.

I walked up to Joshua after he finished helping the costumer.

"So where is this opening?" I asked him.
"You're coming with me?" He countered.
"Depends on where it is. Cause if its by the watch tower-"
"Chill, it's behind the tool shop." He said cutting me off.
"And how do you know it's safe?" I asked.
"Do you trust me?" He asked.
"Joshua." I said looking at him.
"Jacob." He said. "Do you trust me?"
"I guess," I replied.
"Then I'll see you later tonight then." He said. "My shift is ending, so I'm gonna head home. Call you later?"
I nodded and he left.


How did you guys like the first chapter? Let me know in the comments
and make sure to vote, yeah? Thanks.
I would also like to say that this story is written by me, Ghost.
I'm not pointing this directly towards anyone, but I would like to keep this story, and all the ideas to myself.
And I would appreciate if it wasn't twisted or remade in any way.
Thank you.


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