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     I was frightened. It had been a few days since the whole, "You belong to me." speech from Lucifer, and if the Dark Lord thought I was scared, I was  shaken to the core now. However, I still enjoyed my walks around the castle. Today I was doing just that, before I paused t Judas' door. There was faint shouting, and the door was ajar.

  Snoop time!

   I stuck my eye in the crack ,and watched the scene unfurl. Lucifer and Judas.

  "That was not the brightest idea, m'lord. If you truly want the angel, you pushed him even father away." Lucifer scoffed, crossing his arms. "Right. I'm sure that little display turned him on. He loved my domineering presence in the past." Judas rolled his eyes. "With all due respect, sire, the Raziel you know now isn't the one from his past. His memory has been wiped. He's not the same man you loved."

  Lucifer grit his teeth. "Shut up, and let me do as I wish. I'm the ruler, not you. Keep this up and I'll take down that little priest of yours." Judas' hands twisted into fists. "Don't ever bring Emery into this! He has absolutely nothing to do with this!"

  Lucifer sighed. "He may not have anything to do with this, but he's a bargaining chip." "You--you... how dare you mess with humans like this! These are lives we're talking bout! Lives shouldn't be a 'bargaining chip'!" Lucifer shoved at him. "My, do you even know who I am? What I'm famous for?" A tick formed in Judas' jaw. "Other than being a self-absorbed prick?"

   Lucifer thrashed Judas onto the couch, and they started to fight. "No!" I cried, running in, and pulling them apart. I cradled Judas' unconscious body, the cause probably being the bruise forming on his temple. I looked up at Lucifer. "Hello, gorgeous." I glared at him. "Oh what now? We aren't even married yet and I feel like we've been married for a thousand years."

   I kept quiet, and cuddled Judas' body closer. Lucifer sighed. "All right, all right. I'll get the medic." I smiled.

   The medic arrived shortly, speaking to Lucifer, before he took Judas' body on a medical cot. Lucifer was still sitting next to me, looking at me as if he deserved some sort of treat. I rolled my eyes. "Thank you for listening to me." I passed by him, walking back to our room.

   I curled up on my side on the bed, my eyes slowly blinking. I closed them, snuggling closer into the pillows.

  A hand slides up my thigh to my waist. My eyes flicker open to heaven, joyous heaven. Imy eyes then switch over ot Lucifer pre-hell. His pretty dark hair, so exotic, unlike most angels; with our fluffy butter-blond hair. "Darling," I cooed at him. "Just what are you doing on my cloud?" He smiled, and pecked my lips. "Just drowning in your mysterious beauty."  I rolled over to face him. "Stop making jokes off my title." Our lips locked hungrily, devouring each other. My nails gently scratching him as he kissed all over my neck. He swooped down for another kiss, but I placed my index finger against his lips. With a needy gaze, I laid down on my back, and spread my thighs. An unsubtle invitation.  He nailed me with that greedy look as he licked his lips.



  "Ah!" I awoke suddenly clasping the sheets. I was breathing heavy, as if the 'angel of mystery' and I were the same people being made love to. But at the same time...it was me. Angel of Mystery is my title. That was my cloud. There's just no mistaking it!

  I closed my eyes in frustration. There's just no way. It had to be a coincidence. Maybe it was a predecessor? God has been known to kill his angels and recreate them if they don't listen to him or aren't in his image.

 I let out a squeak, as there was a sudden weight on me, hands clutching my wrists. Lucifer's eyes sparkled in amazement and exuberance.

                               "You remember."

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