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Chapter 1 c:

* Fawn's POV *

I was walking through Gemini Forest not having a clue as why I was here, One minute I was laying in my bed, The next I was walking in a dark forest with a flashlight. The moon was shining, The stars were twinkling, The crickets were chirping and the leaves that I step on make a crunching noise. I started walking and I saw a sign, It read in scratchy lettering " COLLECT ALL 8 PAGES ". I started walking around and saw a long orange cylinder type thing , I went around it and found a page, It read in scratchy letters " ALWAYS WATCHES, NO EYES " It also had a doodle of a face with x's as the eyes, It kind of creeped me out so I stuffed it in my pocket of my favourite hoodie that I always wear to bed. I started walking again and the chirping of the crickets became louder, I started running all the way along this dark path until I came to a large, spooky tree, I saw a page on it and grabbed it , The page read " CANT RUN". With a doodle of a dirt trail. The notes scared the crap out of me,So i stuffed it in my hoodie pocket.This guy on the notes looked really creepy. I went to turn around when I saw him, standing there, watching me.

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