No Matter What

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Marinette wasn't hungry in the slightest. She picked at her food with no desire to take a single bite. She always expected to have cravings when she was pregnant, not to completely lose her appetite. Were food aversions a pregnancy symptom? She heard so often of pregnant women craving the weirdest things, but never being repulsed by just the smell of food. Maybe she was just sick. A stomach virus sounded about right.

"Marinette, are you still feeling ill?" a deep voice startled her from her thoughts.


Tom gestured to her plate of cold food."You haven't taken a single bite, or even touched it. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little sick."

"You've been 'a little sick' for awhile now," his eyebrows rose in concern. "Maybe you should see a doctor."

"Actually," Sabine intervened, "I scheduled an appointment earlier today. They have an opening tomorrow, but it's pretty early. Is that okay, Marinette?"

"Tomorrow?" she gulped.

Her mom nodded solemnly, trying her best to encourage her. The look on her face told her it was okay and she could do it, she was strong, "Do you think you'll be up for. .. getting up before seven?"

Marinette, catching on to her mom's meaning, nervously looked down and twiddled with her fork to distract herself. "It'll be hard, but I can do it. I can do it," she said,mostly to herself.

Tom looked between mother and daughter in confusion. "Am I missing something?"

Her mother looked at him with an assuring smile and Marinette tried her best to avoid any and all eye contact. It wasn't working. She couldn't help but look up and see the silent conversation between her parents, one she would never be able to decipher.

"Just a doctor's appointment, dear,"Sabine told him.

Tom wasn't convinced, but he said nothing more about it. He easily changed the subject before sending one more look to Sabine. Marinette sighed in relief and tried to down her food. That wasn't working either.

Marinette went up to bed early after dinner. Tom put his hand on her shoulder to stop her before she went.He kissed her cheek and told her to get better soon. Marinette smiled up at him and bid him goodnight, wishing with all of her being to somehow ease his worries without telling him anything.

He knew something was up. He wasn't stupid. His daughter was sick all the time and his wife seemed to be keeping something from him, of course he was suspicious. She just couldn't stand the guilt that flooded her every time he looked at her with concern, or even just looked at her (she was hiding something.Something big and crazy, and she didn't want to hurt him).

She knew she would have to tell him eventually and she dreaded the moment.

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