The awakening

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My name is Aphrodai. This is the only thing  I remember, my name. I don't know where I am, what I look like, or anything for that matter. I do know I have been this way for as long as I can remember, which is not that long. You see I feel like I'm drifting in mid air, lost in my own mind. There's not an inch of light. I can smell the fresh scent of dirt and feel the heat coming towards me in all directions, but there's something keeping it away. I can hear the murmurs of creatures moving about. The laughs, the stress, frustration, I can hear it all. Feel it in their steps, slow and steady as they drag themselves across a path I can only dream of. I can hear the sweat drop from their face, such a small ping it's easy to miss.
"Aphrodai?" I looked around trying to find where the sound was coming from. "My child, you will have to wake up soon. It's almost time." the voice kept on speaking.  I was confused now.
"Time for what?"  I asked not knowing what else to say.
"Whatever you do, don't touch the grey or white ash. Don't touch it."
"What grey or white ash? Time for what?" I asked but the voice left. I had so many questions. Why did she say my child? Who is she? What was happening? Where am I?
"Hey? Excuse me?" I looked up to see a man with jet black curly hair. He looked angry, his lips were moving but I could not make out what he was saying. I looked around but nothing seemed familiar. There was a sign on a building across from me with the words Tchito-Tchato Café. I saw these weird little things moving on the road. The road itself didn't look so bad but it was indeed  strange.  It as white lines going through the middle and along the corners. What is this place? Where am I? My thoughts were cut short when a hand waved in front of me.
"Hey!" The curly headed guy said.
"Oh I'm sorry. I can't really remember anything. Could you be so kind to tell me where I am?"  I asked as polite as I could. The guy eyes grew wide but his expression stayed the same. He sighed then reply,
"You are at Felsh," he looked at me as if he could read my mind. Before I could reply, he asked, "Are you lost?"
I looked up at him and whispered, "I don't know, I don't remember."
He sat across from me and ran his hand through his hair.
"What is your name?" he asked .
"Aphrodai ," I replied still  feeling lost as I think as hard as I could to figure out how  I got where I am.
"Aphrodai? That's an unusual name," he looked at me with wondering eyes.
"I'm Nick, short for Nicholas. Is there anyone I could call to come get you? The restaurant is closing soon." I looked down on the table for a while. When I didn't reply, he started saying,
"Your mom maybe? Or dad?" I shook my head,
"No, I don't remember." I started to think really hard, I could feel it in my heart, there was something missing and it angered me that I didn't know what it was. Nick sat quietly as if he was contemplating whether or not to believe me. I was  about to speak when the door opened  and a very well built man walk in followed by 2 men. They had brown skin, with low cut hair and chocolate brown eyes. The man in front had dreadlocks with a lighter skin complexion than the others. I looked passed them to see that it was dark out but the streets were still filled with people.
"Hey Tchito, we're closed for the night." Nick  said after standing from his place. I'm guessing the guy in front was Tchito because when  Nick started to speak he was the only one  who respond. He began to walk closer with a confused look on his face.
"Who's the girl?" Tchito asked not taking his eyes  off me. I fiddled with my fingers starting to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.  Nick began to look nervous as if he had just realized something.
"Hmm a friend?" he respond more as a question than an answer.  Tchito inhaled as if he was feeling the air as it passed through his body. He then looked at me again before leaving the store. Nick waited in silence as he entered the store across the street.
"We got to go. Now!" he said in anticipation. He ran up to me and grabbed a boxed-shaped object, pressed something then held it to his ears.
"Hello? Mom can you finish closing up for me? I have to go I'll explain to you later." Nick said before grabbing my hand and running out the store with me. I didn't notice how fast we were moving because I was still fascinated by that boxed like object. It was small and cute. Was that really his mom? That's so cool.
"Ouch!" I yelp in pain. I looked in front of me to see a pole.
"Are you okay?" Nick asked with a concerned look on his face.
"Yea. I am fine." I answered then stand abruptly. Nick grabbed my hand again and continued to run. We passed a lot of tall objects that kind of looked like houses. I didn't get a chance to observe them because we were still running. A few moments later we went around a corner and down a hill. Nick and I stopped running at the bottom of the hill. We crossed the road and Nick took something from his trousers and opened the door. He made sure no one was watching then shove me into the house.
   "Hey! What are you doing?" I asked, "where am I and why did you take me here?" I continued. Nick started to take his jacket off and said,
"Follow me." He put his jacket on a hook and started walking throughout the house. We took two lefts and came to a stop in front of a white door with streaks of gold. He knocked the door,
"Grandpa?" Nick called out but no one responded. He knocked again but this time a bit more aggressive.
"GRANDPA?!" he yelled. Still nothing, a moment later, I heard fumbling and movements on the other side of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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