Don't let them see you! Don't let them in! Sound the siren!

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We spent the rest of the night preparing for the first wave of “wards” my parents made me lock myself in the safe zone, the clock now showed it was ten till minutes till midnight.

I sat criss cross on the hard concrete floor, doodling in the salt, that encircled me. My Bible on my lap, with my shielding cross between my legs.

“Melissa calm down...We are prepared this time..Praylin is not going to be taken”

My dad’s voice echoed through the floorboards. I could make out some of their conversation, but it was mainly muffled.

“How can you be so calm?”

My mother asked her voice dripping with worry, I could practically visually see her pacing now. The wooden boards moaned with each of her steps, causing dust to sprinkle down.

“I’m calm because..”

His words cut short as the “ward” siren wailed out. Everything happened so fast after that, it was all blur, this was to surreal. I could hear my parents rushing around, doors and windows slamming shut.

Mentally I chanted the prayer my mother had taught me when I was little. 'Now I lay myself to sleep, safe and sound in my mother's keep. Let my head fill with dreams and may you watch over me. If I not wake in the morning I pray you will take me into your kingdom..’

A scream from upstairs sent chills crawling through my skin, a loud 'BANG’ before all hell broke loose. The storm had knocked out an electricity pole, causing a neighborhood blackout. My mother was shouting at something in a foreign language, she stumbled over some of the words, then fell silent. My father soon followed.

An odd silence fell over the house, only the winds from the outside dared to make a sound. Suddenly I no longer felt alone, my safe zone was only big enough for one.

I fumbled with my emergency flashlight, smacking the head of it against my hand after it refused to click on multiple times.

“C’mon..C’mon...light! Light!”

I was becoming panicked. If I don’t have some sort of light with me the “wards” will surely be able to take me. Finally after a few seconds the bulb flickered to life illuminating the box like cellar. Shadows danced across the walls, so far no “wards”.

My eyes glanced around the room, shining the light on whatever moved. Goosebumps peppered my skin as I felt someone's hot breath rolling down my neck. I froze in my spot scarred out of my mind.

“Awe look at her…”

I jumped up at the voice. I was suppose to be the only one down here.

“Nicely done. You startled her..”

My stomach twisted itself in knots, as these two voices kept talking. My heart pounded against my chest, suddenly I felt a hand touch my shoulder. A blood curdling scream escaped my mouth, as I jumped away beaming the light at whatever had touched me.

But there was nothing there. Only the half rain rotted book case, it's shelves sagging in the middle.

“Agh! Get that light from her!”

A voice yelped. So the light was helping, I think. I bent down and scooped up some of the salt.

“W..who’s there?”

I demanded weakly, keeping the beam aiming at whatever was there. From the light I could make out a shadowy figure a few feet in front of me. Suddenly it lurched itself at me, I stumbled back tripping over my own feet. I landed with a 'thud’, my flashlight had been knocked from my hand.

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