Kaiba X Reader

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It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue, the birds were singing and the breeze was just right. Flowers bloomed and the suns rays was comforting. Since it was such a nice day out, you decided to ride your bike around a park. Your (h/l) (h/c) was flowing in the wind as you rode around the park on a breezy day. It felt nice getting to ride your bike again after a while. You were always too busy to or at least that was your excuse, but oh well, you were finally riding it and that's all that mattered.

As you continued riding your bike, a boy with spiky yellow, red and black hair was sitting on a park bench, writing in a notebook. It was Yugi your long time friend. You guys were always close to each other and always had each other's backs. It seemed like he was the only friend that you could count on to always be there for you and cheer you up whenever you weren't well.

You waved and yelled to Yugi to get his attention. "Hey, Yugi!" As he turned his head towards you, you suddenly lost control of your bike and fell. Yugi got up from his bench all startled and ran up to you. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright, (y/n)?" He said as he tried helping you up. "Yeah.. I think so." You said rubbing your head in embarrassment.

"You had me startled there." Yugi walked you to the bench that he was sitting on and helped you sit down. "Sorry about that. Just saw you and wanted to get your attention. Didn't think I would all of a sudden lose control of my bicycle.." You said.

"Well, maybe you should have been more careful and payed more attention to riding your bike than waving like an idiot in a circus." You and Yugi look away from each other and looked at where the voice was coming from. Kaiba stood over you two with a serious look on his face which made him look mean, which of course he was, but you get the point.

"Oh, Kaiba! I didn't expect you to be here. You usually hate parks and happiness." Yugi said staring at him. "Shut up. I'm not here to play games or have fun. I just thought I'd walk around here for a little while and as I was walking I saw your little friend here act like a buffoon and fall off her bicycle." Kaiba glared.

"Ba-scuuuse me? Oh he did not just go there!" You said angrily. Yugi looked at you as you stood up from the bench and walked toward Kaiba. "Listen here you little roach. I don't know who you think you are, but you got a lot of nerve to come up to us and start throwing shade at our direction. Why don't you just leave us alone?" You got into his face and glared right into his eyes. He gives a big glare back and moves forward towards you. You stand back a few steps still looking up at him with a glare.

"And what are you gonna do about it? You have no power over me. I can do whatever I want, missy. I have money not like you who probably only has a few dollars in your pockets." Your face turned red from anger. "EXCUSE ME?!" Yugi got in the middle of the both of you to try and stop you guys before things got a little too heated. "Now come on, guys! Knock it off! Let's just calm down.." Yugi said.

"He started it! He's such a jerk and needs to be taught a lesson!" You yelled. Yugi stood back and looked frightened by how angry you were. "You wanna settle this with a duel or something? Hah, I'd rather not waste my time dueling someone that I'm going to easily beat." Kaiba scoffs. "No! A different duel!" You put up your fists and made a fighting stance towards Kaiba. Kaiba starts to laugh. "You really think you can beat me up? Please, don't waste your time. You're only going to make an even bigger fool out of yourself." Kaiba crossed his arms and smirked.

Your anger was only fueling up. What was this guys problem? "What? Are you scared?"
You said taunting him. "Me? Afraid of you? Yeah right. Like I'm going to be afraid of some little peasant girl. Why don't you go run along and play with your dolls."

His words only made you even more angry. "What did you say?!?" You asked raising your fists at him ready to knock his lights out. Yugi tried once again to stop the fight. "Come on! Seriously. You two need to quit it!"

"Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!" Someone yelled. Yugi turned around and saw his yellow haired friend, Joey encouraging you and Kaiba to fight one another. "Joey!" Yugi yelled.
"What?" Joey asked. "You're not helping!" Yugi said tapping his foot at Joey.

"Oh, sorry Yugs. My bad. Kick his butt!" Joey cheered. Yugi facepalmed.

"I suggest you just go home, little girl. You wouldn't want to mess with me." Kaiba warned. You had enough of him and his insults towards you. He was really gonna get it now. "Alright, that's it! You asked for it!" You threw a swift and hard punch towards him. He catches your fist in his palm with ease. You were caught off guard. "Huh?!"

Kaiba just stared at you with his mean expression that he always gives. You pull your fist away from him and try again. He catches it again. You throw your other fist at him, but he catches that as well. He now has both your fists in his hands. You growl and try pulling away from him, but his grip was too tight for you to free yourself. "Let me go, you jerk!" You yelled trying to pull your fists out of his palms.

"Dang, she's in for it now." Joey says feeling sure that you were going to die.

"Kaiba! Knock it off!" Yugi yelled. Kaiba only tightened his grip on your fists and pulled you closer towards him which caught you off guard. He continues to look you in the eye and says, "Like I said. You can't do anything to me."

You just glared at him. He lets go of you and you stand back. "(y/n) are you okay?" Yugi asked. "No.. Not until he's gotten what he deserves!" You said still filled with rage towards Kaiba.

"How about you two go on a date? That'll totally make both of you suffer." Joey offered.
Your eyes widened. A date?! No way was that ever happening. "I'd rather die than go on a date with this nimrod.." You said crossing your arms in disgust. "I'd rather go on a date with someone who's more mature and not totally childish and foolish like you." Kaiba said.

"You're the childish and foolish one!!" You said raising your fists at him again.

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna go now. Wouldn't want to waste anymore time here with this chipmunk." Kaiba started to walk away as steam started coming out of your ears. "Imma kill him!! Let me go! I'm gonna grab his little neck and teach him a lesson in manners! I'll show him who the real chipmunk is!" You said struggling to get out of Joeys and Yugis grip as they both struggled to keep you restrained. "(y/n), it's not worth it." Yugi said. "Yeah, Yugi is right. He ain't worth your time, cupcake." Joey added.

You tried to calm yourself down. They were right. Kaiba was definitely not worth your time. You just need to get your mind off of him and continue on your day like nothing even happened. "You guys are right." You said finally calming down. "He's not worth my time. Hey, Imma get back home, Yugi. It's kind of getting late. See ya later!" You said as you got on your bike and left. "Bye, (y/n)!" Yugi said, waving goodbye to you as you rode away. Joey crosses his arms and stares as you peddled away. "This chicks got issues."

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