Chapter 12

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"Adam!" Christina yelled from the bedroom, where she had been all day, complaining of some stomach pains.

"What? What's wrong?" Adam asked, running into the bedroom.

"I think," she paused, taking a deep breath,"we should go to the hospital," she finished, throwing her legs over the edge of the bed, and pointing towards the overnight bag that they had had packed for almost two weeks.

"Why? Is something wrong with the babies?" Adam asked, grabbing the bag and slinging it over his shoulder, before helping Christina off the bed, and into her shoes.

"No, I think it's time, though,"Christina said, gripping Adam's hand tightly as a strong contraction hit.

"Stephanie, can you grab Max, make sure he gets dressed, and bring him to the hospital, please?" Adam asked over his shoulder as the couple reached the front door.

Stephanie nodded, hopping up off the couch,"Of course. We'll be there as quickly as we can, good luck guys!" she said, heading up the stairs.

"Thanks!" Adam said hurriedly, shutting the door behind them, and helping Christina to the car. He situated her in the passenger seat, throwing the bag in the back, before getting into his own seat and starting the car. "How far apart are the contractions?" he asked.

"Um, like, 5 minutes?" Christina said questioningly.

Adam pressed his foot a little harder down on the gas pedal, passing a car,"Well, we're only 5 minutes away from the hospital. So, um, just, try to hold it in until we get there," he said nervously.

Christina groaned,"Just get me to the fucking hospital," she said, gripping the edge of her seat so tightly that her knuckles turned white,"I forgot how much this fucking hurts," she said.

"Hold on, baby. We're almost there," Adam said, pulling into the hospital parking lot. He found the closest parking lot to the hospital entrance that he could and parked the car, hopping out, helping Christina out, and grabbing the bag from the back seat, before they made their way inside.

"What's wrong sir?" an older nurse asked.

"My, my girlfriend is in labor," Adam replied.

The nurse was quick to get a wheelchair,"How far apart are the contractions?" she asked, helping Christina into the wheelchair.

"We need some help!" Adam yelled immediately.

"About 3 minutes now," Christina replied. The nurse pushed the wheelchair quickly, Adam staying right beside the wheelchair, holding Christina's hand as they made their way towards a delivery room.

At around 9 o'clock, Adam came out into the waiting room, looking for Max, and shocked to find Blake and Miranda sitting with the boy and his nanny,"Well?" Miranda asked.

Adam smiled brightly,"Two healthy baby girls," he said proudly.

"I wanna' see!" Max exclaimed.

"We all want to see," Stephanie added.

Adam nodded,"Only one person can come back at a time. Max, buddy, why don't you come back first, then Stephanie, you can come back, so you can take Max home for the night," he said, choosing to ignore Blake and Miranda's presence for the moment, until he could talk to Christina about it, and holding his hand out to Max, who gladly took it, excited to finally see his baby sisters. Adam led the way to Christina's room, where she was sitting up in the bed, one twin in each arm, smiling warmly down at them.

"Mommy!" Max exclaimed, running to the side of the bed, but not jumping up on it.

Christina smiled,"Max, meet your little sisters," she said, nodding her head at the baby in her left arm,"Rylee," then nodding at the one in her right arm,"And Ali," she added.

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