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Echo your name...


I tried to ignore all the worries floating around in my head but it was quite hard. My mother will definitely not be pleased with my exit or my speech and neither will Harry. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now as I can't hide away from my family forever- no matter how hard I try.

Jumping off the cart, my feet land on the ground with a loud thud. I immediately feel the regret swimming inside of me as I hear the crack of where my heels have just broken. I chuck them off and carry them in one hand whilst the other is picking up the end of my dress so I can run easier.

It's as though I'm a mental patient as the servants look at me in that way. I guess I do look quite stupid as my makeup is smeared from all the crying, my hair is a mess because of the wind, I'm running which is rare as I do not like exercise, my heels have broken and I've come home earlier then I was meant to and no one else is home at the same time as me.

Ignoring them, I run up the stairs quickly and head down the corridor to find Cerise staring at me like I'm insane. Tristan is stood next to her and is looking at me confused and shocked. I finally hurry up and meet up with them until I hear this loud screeching voice, screaming words that sound a lot like my name?

"ELLA COVENTING! WHAT WAS THAT?" I hear the scream again and a running of feet. The footsteps sound like horses galloping in the forests, finally set loose but I know that I am anything but free. That scream belongs to my mother and I know that I am in deep shit. I send Tristan and Cerise a scared look and point to my bedroom.

"Quickly! We need to pack a bag! I'm going to the house! Tristan stand on guard!" I scream frantic. Tristan nods and rushes to the front of my door, his sword in his hand. Cerise follows me inside my room and we begin to grab clothes, makeup, toiletries etc and chuck them into a oversized blue bag. I quickly grab some flat shoes and chuck them on as my heels have broken, plus flat shoes are easier to run in. I hear screams from outside and I can feel the tears running down my face as I try to calm myself down. I'm so thankful that Cerise thought to block the door with a chair so nobody could get in, as I can hear my name being screeched repeatedly outside.

"Ella, quickly! Climb through the window and go to the house! Lollipop will be down there as she's having a lesson so quickly grab her and go!" I hear Cerise scream at me in a whispered voice so they can't hear my instructions. I nod my head and grab the bag before swinging it over my shoulder.

Slipping out of the window, I crawl down the branch and jump off the tree as I run to Lollipop. The instructor looks at me with wild eyes and a shocked expression as I jump onto Lollipop's back. I can hear the ruckus from inside my house all the way outside and I pray that Tristan and Cerise are okay. Their jobs are probably at risk right now and it's all because of me. I'm so lucky I have them though, I don't know what I would be able to do without them!


I breathe a huge sigh of relief as I see that nobody has followed me to the small house. The candles are lit inside and a guitar is placed onto the side of the seat in the living room. I guide Lollipop over to the field and jump off before letting her inside where I see Midnight is also in the field, his head down whilst eating grass. Obviously, James is here as well. I haven't seen him for a while which is weird, but I'm sure he'll hopefully understand that it was wedding stuff that I couldn't get out of.

The wedding. Those two words just send shivers down my spine, causing me a tangle of worried emotions in my head and a sickness causing in my stomach. The trapped feeling has returned and I feel as though my own lungs are suffocating me. I tried to shake it off, but the thought still lingers in my brain.

I decide to walk up to the house. I knock three times on the door and hear James walking forward. He opens the door as he knows it was me (the secret knock) and his eyes light up immediately as he pulls me in for a hug.

"Ella! Where have you been? What happened before? We were outside and ready to go but you didn't come back out so we had to go! Are you okay?" James throws questions at me in concern as I kiss his cheek.

I roll my eyes playfully yet follow him back into the house. I know that I'm not going to tell him about Rosie as that could annoy him but I decide to tell him about the wedding, which is too soon. He listens intently and concerned, his eyebrows raised and forhead creased as I talk to him. He seems to be thinking deeply throughout my talking and I wonder what he is thinking about.

"We have to do something. We have to delay this. You can't be married so young!" He replies back after I've explained as we walk into the living room and sit down. I shake my head at him as it's no use. They're never going to cancel the wedding no matter how hard we try.

"Why don't we rob your house?" James suggests after a long silence. I look at him confused- how can robbing my house help things? If anything it could make things worse!

"James, no matter how much we take from my house, it's no use. We have to do something that will delay the wedding, not just cause a few problems that can be solved in no time!" I reply back sadly.

"We will take everything we can that is for the wedding and leave notes behind that will freak them out. That way, the wedding shall be delayed and getting everything back will be a struggle. We will then keep it here and obviously, because they don't know about here, our plan will be bulletproof!" James says. I nod my head smiling at him. This sounds like a good plan.

Suddenly, a loud deafening noise that sounded like a horse's neigh was heard. I looked around the room in panic to find James standing up and running out the door. Is that Lollipop? Or Midnight?

Following after him, I'm shocked at the sight I see in front of us. Lollipop and Midnight both are bleeding, their legs have huge gashes all over them and I know that this injury wasn't an accident- a human has done this. Why would someone injure our two horses? How have they found the house?

"Ella! Grab some leaves so we can cover the injuries!" James shouts as he runs over to the horses and tries to calm them down, his hands stroking them whilst he whispers soothing things into their ears. I run over to the nearest trees and grab leaves that would be able to cover their marks and run back over to James. He grabs a handful and begins to help Midnight whilst I do the same to Lollipop. We work in silence as our thoughts are loud enough. Who would do this? Why have they done this? The thought that somebody has done this makes me feel sick, and the thought of somebody maybe overhearing our conversation makes me feel very unsafe.

"They look better now. We should let them run for a bit whilst we get on with our plans. We'll have to check them later, though. Let's go inside." James says before turning around and grabbing my hand. He makes me feel safer, as thought we'll be okay and that our secret will stay a secret. He makes me believe that nobody will ever be hungry ever again, and that world poverty will be cured by his smile. His eyes make me see a future of world peace and his lips make me taste a world where everyone is happy and secure. His hands in mine make me believe that everything will be okay, if not now, someday.

Walking to the house, I see something red and what looks like writing on the wall. Judging from how I stopped and was staring at the wall, James stops too and begins to stare. We run over and I feel like I'm suffocating again as I see the sight in front of me.

'YOUR SECRET IS OUT NOW!' Is written on the wall, in a red ink that is obviously blood from the horses. The blood is dripping and unfortunately, I know that handwriting too well, and James does too, and I never knew somebody could be so nasty and cruel to do this.

He's done bad, but who knew he could be so evil?

Story line ends..


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