Hope and Confirmation

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On the first day of the earth, God gave us water and the animals it shelters. On the seconded day of the earth, God gave us land and animals for it to shelter. So on and so forth...

Now a days, we have science. This is the dawn of human intelligence. Science and Religion created many wars, Maybe all of them. But this is where patterns stated to show up. Religion was just a creative thought to get people through the night or maybe their whole life. Religion was hope, it was an idea of what happens to you on earth and in heaven. But science was more of confirming stuff. In the same way that humans didn't start off looking like humans, we were a bacterial substance. Everything used to be that. It evolved in water. Which created all of the fish. Eventually one fish could get on land to hide from predators. It kept doing that for generations. So it adapted the concept of getting out of the water and it grew legs. These legs were the start of a whole new chain of evolution. But, this was on my home planet... it was all destroyed. Religion and science broke it all apart. The fine line between hope and confirmation was ablitterated. An all out war was going on. But, I was a baby when it happened. I was taken away from my family as a baby by Conzidates, a race not from earth of superior ecological intelligence. Only to find me and my human friend Alisa to be the last humans alive. The rest of the race was killed in war. The Conzidates taught us about the past of the planet. All the way to the war. But, they had never told us the cause of the war. As a kid it bugged me. But as the years progressed, bugging turned into curiosity.

After 8 more years in the hands of the Conzidates, Alisa and I are 15 years old. I've been with the Conzidates for 13 years and she's been with them for 12 years. She was one of the last people on earth. Her parents were killed in war. She was left alone to die. Luckily the Conzidates saved her. Alisa is turning 16 soon. in 2 weeks actually. I was too young to remember what happened to me. The Conzidates told me I was in an orphanage when they found me. It was on fire and the lady at the front desk was pointing to me as if to kill me first, they said. So they took me. I don't believe this. I didn't remember much. But,  I remembered seeing my mother for sure. She was giving me a hug to calm me down and then she drops to the ground with me in her arms. But rest is a blur. I intend to find out exactly what happened. The Conzidates lied to me and maybe to Alisa too.

Today in the Food Hall, I was talking to Alisa about this. Alisa thought they were telling the truth, that they were peaceful and that they were worthy of her trust. I kept telling her she was wrong. She wasn't believing me.

"I'll prouve it to you." I said.

"How do you plan on doing that Markus?" she asked me.

"Meet me at the 12th docking station on sector G in 20 minutes." I told her.

"okay.." she replied.

I left as normally as I could to evade supposition. After waiting at the docking station for 15 minutes, Alisa shows up and asks me...

"What are we doing here Markus?"

"We're going to the head control systems." I whispered in her ear.

So I walked down the east gate wing. Passing; docking station 14, docking station 16, docking station 18... all the way to the classified zone past docking station 36. I stopped.

"What now genius?"  Alisa says with a smug look on her face.

"I'd appreciate it with you didn't talk to me like that." I tell her with a little impression of frustration.

"Fine, I'll just leave then." she snaps.

"NO NO NO NO NO!! You can't. I need to prouve this to you." I say in worry.

"Well next time just tell what we're doing at this point." she implied.

"Okay. I think when this one comes by we hide behind it to hide our heat signal until we get past the door." I tell her. "3... 2... 1... go!"

Now that we're behind it we live up to the plans expectations.  We get right through. Now I search for the main storage for their military video footage. "Shwip!" The door opened. I dropped to the ground after I started the clip. The pain I felt before I knocked myself out was and excruciating electrical pain pinching every nerve at once. It's as if I was tazered. When I woke up I found my self in a cell with Alisa passed out beside me on board a ship headed to earth. I  woke up Alisa and asked her...

"What happend?!" angrily.

She woke up in a huge disorientation. "What... what are you talking about?!" she said scarcely.

"What happend when I was knocked out?" I asked in a much calmer voice.

Alisa had told me what she saw when I opened the video of their military getting her and I. It was not even close to what they told her. Alisa started to cry...

"I can't believe they would do that to my family." sniffle "They deceived us Markus! And we're just another species that's no use to them. We could have been so much more if we hadn't watch that clip." she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Alisa. I just wanted you to know what really happend." I tell her with tears rolling down my face.

To be continued..

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