Extended Summary

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Life had not been simple for Sigyn. It had started out simply enough, but it seemed that she was doomed for heartache no matter what happened.

When Sigyn first married Loki, it was before Thor was first cast out of Asgard, long before. They had been happily married for years at that point. She had thought that nothing could ever go wrong because nothing had ever felt so perfectly as that.

After Thor was cast out, things got complicated. Loki seemed changed, colder, harsher. Odin fell into the Odinsleep, Loki took the throne. After Thor returned, once more wielding Mjolnir, Loki fell off the Bifrost and was pronounced dead. Sigyn had never felt such pain and sorrow. It hurt, and she couldn't imagine it getting any worse than that.

But it did.

Loki was alive. But he was a criminal. He had tried to take over Midgard with a Chitauri army, only to fail miserably and be brought back to Asgard. He was imprisoned and Sigyn could barely look him in the eye as he stood before the Allfather, and her one and only visit to him left her with more heartache than she'd experienced thus far.

That was not her Loki.

When Dark Elves attacked and Loki is freed to assist Thor in stopping Malekith, Sigyn goes along, pain in her heart every single time she looked at her husband, but hope battling it at every turn. They share a moment atop the cliff before confronting Malekith and Sigyn believes everything will go back to normal.

Only it doesn't. Loki is killed and the heartache that washes over Sigyn as she cries out in anguish is stronger than anything she's ever felt. This time, she believes, there's no hope. When Thor goes to Midgard to finish the fight with Malekith, Sigyn accompanies him, only when he returns to Asgard, she does not. She can't stand to be in that place without him. Not now, not again.

It is several years later when Thor returns to Earth in search of Odin. The God of Thunder knows that if he is going to be bringing his brother to Earth, there is someone that he needs to apologize to.

When Thor appears on her doorstep with a not-so-dead Loki by his side, Sigyn feels too much all at once. And when they explain the situation to her, she knows that she will accompany them to find Odin, even if every step is a stab in her heart.


Kathryn Prescott as Sigyn
❝You- you're alive. Odin's beard, you-you bastard!❞

Tom Hiddleston as Loki❝Did you miss me?❞

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Tom Hiddleston as Loki
❝Did you miss me?❞

Chris Hemsworth as Thor❝That was not planned

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Chris Hemsworth as Thor
❝That was not planned.❞

Rachel Skarsten as Solena❝We have a surprise for you, Sig

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Rachel Skarsten as Solena
❝We have a surprise for you, Sig.❞

Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

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Other MCU Actors as Their Characters

Disclaimer: I do not own Thor, Loki or any other Marvel characters that may appear, they belong to Marvel. I do, however, own Sigyn, Solena and this plot and how I fit them into the MCU. Got a problem with that? That's unfortunate for you.

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