1.01 - Reunion

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Even after so long being on Earth, Sigyn still hadn't entirely adjusted. There were parts of her that still expected to see the shining golden palace ahead of her when she looked down the street, to see the rainbow bridge behind her when she turned around. To see her best friend, Solena, running up to her bed in the middle of the night, frantic and worried about a vision she'd had or enter the training room to see Thor sparring with Sif. To wake up, not to an empty bed, but to her husband sleeping beside her.

Sigyn had to hold back her tears whenever that particular thought made its way into her head. Her marriage to Loki had been so amazing at first, so perfect. The wedding was a spectacle, everyone on Asgard surprised that Loki was marrying before Thor. But it was an event that would be remembered forever, and that everyone had wanted to attend.

And then everything had gone so wrong. She'd lost him, twice, the love of her life. Every time she thought about him, a pang of sorrow and pain went through her heart.


She whirled suddenly, looking towards the sound of the voice. It was her boss, Rainey. The other woman was staring at her intently and a little concerned. Sigyn plastered on a smile to reassure the other woman.


"You okay? You're drowning the Anthurium," Rainey said.

"Oh!" Sigyn startled, looking down at her hand, still tipping the watering can over the pot of red flowers. She quickly pulled it back up. "I got lost in my thoughts. I had flowers similar to these at my wedding..."

"I didn't know you were married," Rainey said, smiling. "You don't talk about your personal life much."

"I'm not married anymore," Sigyn corrected, turning to the next plant to start watering it.

"Oh," Rainey said, "divorce? Was he a bad guy?"

Sigyn found a nostalgic smile growing on her face and tears sparkling in her eyes as she thought about that statement. Divorce? It was a little more complicated than that. Bad guy? Depends on the weather, the information he knows and what he could get out of aligning with the good or bad guys.

"Bad guy? Most of the time he wasn't, but he went through a rough patch... did some bad things... But he was good at heart, I always believed that," Sigyn explained. "I believed it right until the end."

"The end?" Rainey questioned quietly, then a soft gasp and a, "oh."

"It's okay," she assured the woman, "it's been a long time since I lost him. It's not that hard for me to talk about anymore."

Rainey followed Sigyn as she moved to new plants to water. "What was he like?" she asked softly.

"He was always very intelligent, much smarter than his older brother, although that's not what his father cared about. But I always admired his intelligence, and I think that's one of this things he loved most about me. While everyone was fawning over how strong his brother was, I wanted to hear about the things he had learned," Sigyn explained.

"Did he get along with his brother?" Rainey asked.

"They had a typical brotherly relationship for most of their time growing up. He played a lot of pranks on his brother," Sigyn explained with a smile, "because his brother was very easy to fool. But, like all siblings, they had their fights... some worse than others."

"How long did you know him?" Rainey questioned.

"Oh, we grew up together. I don't think anyone was surprised when we started dating and not that long after got engaged. We didn't want to wait, we knew what we wanted and after getting my father's blessing and his father's blessing, we got married," she explained, smiling nostalgically. Her father had been so happy when Loki had come to ask if he could marry her. Even Odin himself was happy for them.

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