part 5

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Jennie: help help help help please someone help

Rose: were stuck

Jisoo: please please help

Lisa: there's a window that we can escape but we will jump

Jennie: its ok lets do it

Lisa: *jumps*
Jennie: *jumps*
Rose: *jumps
Jisoo: *jumps*

Lisa: good job ok lets go in our dorm


Lisa: *opening the door*

Jennie: few now were safe

Jisoo: do you think were safe here in the haunted dorm jennie?

Jennie: no

Rose: lets just eat ok so jennie unnie will cook

5 minutes later

Jennie: Lisa your food is pancake again
              Rose yours is waffle again
              Jisoo unnie yours is chicken again

Jennie: sorry if your food is pancake,waffle,chicken again

Lisa: its ok unnie because this our favorite

3 mimutes later

Rose: ok i will wash it

Rose: ahhhhhh!!!

Jennie: rose why are u shouting

Rose: because the water is red

Jisoo: i think someone is here

Someone/ghost: you will die you will die

Lisa: who is that?

*light were close open close*

Jennie: ahhhhh i want to tell to our manager but i know he will not believe..

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