Lisa: guys wake up wake up i have some good news our manager will move us to another dorm and its huge
All: yehhhey
Jennie: now we can leave in this freakin haunted dorm
Rose: lets pack
3 mins later
Jisoo: goodbye freakin haunted dorm
*new dorm*
Jennie: wow this is huge thank you manager
Manager: this is now your final dorm you will not tell to me that you want to leave in this dorm and go to another and you will not complain anymore that is haunted ok..
All: ok thank you
Jennie: finally our life is safe we can have fun together we can eat safe wash bath anything
Jisoo: this is really huge
Rose: yah we have our own room not like in the other haunted dorm its small and were share but i want to sleep alone and now here it is
Lisa: lets pick our room mine is the first
Rose: the 3rd
Jennie: the second
Jisoo: last again
Lisa: its ok its just a room this is not a game again jisoo unnie so be happy
Jisoo: okk
Jennie: so lets pack our things
2 mins later
Lisa: done packing
Jen,Jis,Ros: me two...

HaUnTeD DoRm (BlAcKpInK)
TerrorJennie: i really hate this dorm its always haunted Rose: yah its creepy Lisa: Guys dont be scared be brave hide your fears god is always our side and that scary things will not gonna do anything to you Jisoo: but its creepy Lisa: can you think your...