Chapter 1

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It's quiet when I wake up. It's always quiet in my house, the only things making noise are beeps and fans whirring coming from my computer. Having my room shoved in the corner on the opposite side of the house means no one can hear me, but I can't hear anyone. For the most part, it's only me and my mom in the house seeing as my father is often away on business trips. With the added bonus that this house is way too large for three people, much less two, means I rarely see my mom walking around.

I stared at the clock to find I had woken up twelve minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. I contemplated getting up but decided to stay, staring at nothing particular. If I looked close enough I could see the glow-in-the-dark stars pasted to my ceiling from when I was ten. I finally got out of bed and put on slippers once the alarm had gone off. Despite the out weather outside my room was always extremely cold and required me wear slippers if I didn't want to freeze to death. For such an expensive house you'd think they'd have a better heating system.

I made my way the dresser and pulled open a drawer to an explosion of black and pink. While to any outsider it may look like a pastel goth's heaven in there, in reality my few choice colors are the only way I look presentable on a daily basis. Rarely getting any sleep on a good day strangely puts a dent on what you can wear. 'But why don't you just lay out clothes the day before?' Because I got shit to do and not a lot of time to do it. I ended up going for an all black attire of jeans and a loose fitting shirt. I grabbed a jacket and the rest of my stuff and headed down stairs.

The staircase leads down into the main hallway with the front door at the other end. To the left is some sort of living room except it's the kind you're never allowed to go in because it's really just for show which I find stupid and a waste. If you want to show off all your expensive shit buy an art gallery. To the right is the living room that you can actually go in which looks just as expensively stupid as the one you can't go in. Another dumb thing about this house is that you need to cross through both the usable living room and the dining room just to get to the kitchen. Though I'm pretty sure the layout if my father's fault. He said that he doesn't like to watch when 'servants' make food, except we don't have an in house chef we have my mom, which puts half of my shitty life into perspective.

Just as I suspected no one was down stairs either or at least no one said anything when I called out. I make my way to the kitchen and fashion myself two bagels with this weird cinnamon sugar cream cheese my mom gets from god knows where. Before I finish making the second bagel a bang comes at the front door followed by the door swinging open and shouts of good mornings come from the hallway. I slam the last bagel together and meet Jade in the living room.

Jade is both the oldest friend and the only friend I have ever had. We meet in kindergarten and for the first day we had to present to the class our favorite animal except both of us choose cryptids instead of something normal. It sounded like we would click immediately except I choose Mothman and she chose Bigfoot. Lets just say our teacher did not have the greatest of times pulling two angry toddlers apart. Of course now we spend almost every waking minute with each other.

Jade was tall and buff as hell, but I guess you kind of have to she somewhat strong if you continuously tossed a rifle into the air for hours on end. Her dark skin sometimes gives off a cool golden glow when she's in the right lighting. Or maybe it's just highlighter. Lately She's had a huge obsession with wearing at least on gold piece on her body. Usually it was arm cuffs since bracelets and necklaces could easily get caught in things. Now she's taken a liking to putting gold beads into her box braided hair. All around she looked like she could be an extra on Cowboy Bebop.

She got up off the couch and we made our way out to her shitty minivan. It was one of those vans that hippies used to drive in the 60's or 70's. It was mostly baby blue but white on the top and the back was littered with stickers. We tossed are bag in the back, traded coffee for bagels, put on the latest episode of a podcast about cryptids and she drove us to school.

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