chapter 13: new beginning

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  After a few days~
The hospital was empty baron no one really wanted to be there especially min yoongi he hated the hospital he had been there once or twice before and not because of this specific reason but he did stupid stuff and you could consider this stupid but it still sucks to be in a hospital especially without you in with him. He wants to go home and see you.

  You were sent to a mental hospital to help with your depression of course you weren't going to stay there for a while only for a couple days maybe a week and you were stuck there basically. it is boring for you in the morning, you think about yoongi the easyer it gets for you to recover because you're not allowed to see him hurt.

But even though all you want is to see him it'll help you'll be able to finally say you're sorry for hurting him physically and mentally but most of all you just want to see your dad even if he is gone you miss him and nothing will ever change that not even your closest friends could ever help you with that the more you think about your dad the harder I gets to recover from depression.

You're not allowed to have your phone in the hospital and neither is he going to be having his phone on him it's kind of shattered. But you do send letters to each other even though he did break his arm and a rib he still tries to write to you but midway he ended up giving up and had jimin write the letters to you even though it hurt his heart to not be able to speak to you.

But soon you will have your recovery and be able to see him, and go vist him and apoligize alot. 

Two days later~

You were released with pills and now you could go see Yoongi.

As you walk there you see a flower shop, so you discovered that daffodils represented a new beginning, so now you had daffodils in your hands along with chocolate. You felt terrible it's the least you could do.

You entered the hospital and walked over to the front office to get Yoongis room number. They told you it was 1003, you were going to take the elevator but that was a bust so the stairs we're your only hope in seeing yoongi.

You felt a buzz in your pocket,  at first you thought it was nothing but you caved and looked and It was a good thing you did.

Are you here yet?

Yep just got a few more steps and I'll be there.


You froze in front of the door that had the numbers 1003 on it,  but you couldnt get your self to touch the knob you were shaking, clam was out of the picture. You were scared he would be mad if you walked in with with either a smile or a frown.

You pushed through the anxiety and walked in.

Short little comeback part, soon there will be more exciting stuff again but I need to plan more because this was supposed to be a finished story.

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