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"Why are they here?" Mingzhu asked, holding her bag as Yanchen, Xingjie, Zhou Rui and Xiao Gui walked closer to them.

"We're celebrating three birthdays!" Zuo Ye exclaimed. "And that includes Rui-ge,"

"I didn't know they were close with him," Yanyu whispers.

"Me neither," Mingzhu whispered back, trying to avoid Yanchen's eyes.

"Rui-ge and Fen-ge were close friends back when they were still in high school," Peiyao answered.

"So who else are we waiting for?"

Yanyu chuckled, "Maybe Bu Fan so he can show off his wave to the beach ladies,"

Mubo stood up from his seat, "Everybody's here, right?"

Her brother counted the people that were with them. There's him, Mubo, Zuo Ye, Peiyao, Zimo, Jeffrey, Yanlei and Bangbang.

Then Yanchen, Xingjie, Xiao Gui, Zhou Rui and Shuzhen.

Plus the love birds, Yanyu and Kaihao, Ruibin and Lifen.

"I think that's all?" Mingzhu asked, getting impatient. "Or did you guys adopt another set of kids?"

"No, I think that's everyone," Qin Fen nods, wearing his sunglasses.

"Then, let's go! This body needs to be shown at the beach!" Xiao Gui comments, running towards the bus.

Jeffrey rented a bus for them to use for  the weekend. They were going to his family's resthouse that was near a beach and there's also a good place for hiking.

Mingzhu sat on the second row of the bus, since Yanyu sat with Kaihao. She was about to put headphones on when someone sat beside her.

Mingzhu looked to her side and quickly stood up, but before she can leave, he held her wrist.

"Stay, please,"

The bus was about to leave so she had no choice. She sat back down, looking out the window.

They passed by different fields when all of a sudden Yanchen rested his hand on top of Mingzhu's. She was about to protest when he cut her off,

"You know, we never actually talked about why we broke up,"

Mingzhu rolled her eyes, ignoring the feeling she's having because of how close they were, "Why do we need to talk about it anyway? We're a fake couple. So a break up is the least of your worry,"

"But I wasn't ready," Mingzhu heard him whisper, so Yanchen quickly took it back and said, "But Shuzhen and I aren't together!"

"So? That's not my problem anymore," The girl shrugged, removing his hand from hers. "I've done my part as one of your fake girlfriends. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a playlist to listen to."

Mingzhu wore her headphones before he can add anything to the conversation.

I'm sorry Yanchen but getting mad and ignoring you is the fastest way to forget about everything we've went through.

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

"That was a long ride!" Kaihao said, stretching his body.

"Woah!" Lifen comments, pulling Shuzhen towards the direction of the beach, "This is so pretty!"

Shuzhen nods, feeling the breeze, "I wish I can spend a day like this with my boyfriend,"

Zimo scoffed from behind, "Like you're ever going to have a boyfriend again,"

"Hey!" The girl slaps his arm, "You don't know what the future holds, Zim. The guy of my dreams may be around here somewhere,"

"You weren't this cringey when we dated," Yanchen suddenly joined the conversation. "What has Jeffrey been feeding you?"

"The eggs his fans give to him," Shuzhen said in disbelief.

"You say it like it's a bad thing!" Jeffrey exclaimed as he carried another carton of eggs. "Now, can someone help me carry these inside?"

The group went inside Jeffrey's resthouse to put their bags in and choose the rooms.

"So, this house has 6 bedrooms, in total." Jeffrey explained, pointing at each one. "4 are in the first floor, and 2 in the second floor,"

"Who's getting what room then?" Ruibin asks.

"Draw lots?" Bangbang suggests.

Xingjie was quick to react, "What if I get to stay with someone I don't like? Now that's going to be awkward."

Mubo sighed, "What if we do it this way. 6 bedrooms, right? The girls will be in one, so there's no funny business."

"Boo," Yanyu teased. "You're no fun Han Mubo,"

The older ignored her and continued talking, "Then we'll draw lots."

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, causing Mubo to smirk.

Jeffrey wrote some numbers on a piece of paper and put it in a cup, "The numbers here correspond to your rooms."

"I swear Han Mubo -!" Xingjie muttered, picking a paper from the cup.

"This is going to be fun!" Yanlei exclaimed. "I can't wait to be with Fen-ge!"

Qin Fen felt a sudden chill on his spine before picking out his number, "Should I just go back home?"

"Okay!" Mubo clapped his hands together, trying not to laugh. "Here are the rooms pfft - this is so funny, I swear."

"First room upstairs is Ruibin and Jeffrey's."

"The room next to the girl's room will be occupied by Peiyao, Bangbang....... and Huba."

"What?!" Xingjie exclaimed. "I demand a room switch!"

Mubo shrugged, "What's the problem anyway? They're both good, trust me."

Xingjie raised his speakers, "I can't dance to the music when I'm with them!"

"Sshh, Huba. You're too noisy!" Shuzhen hushed him from behind.

Han Mubo continued, "Next is me, Dong Yanlei and Qin Fen."

"Where's my bag?" Qin Fen said, walking outside, "I'm going home. I'll celebrate my birthday there -"

"You're such a baby, gege!" Mingzhu exclaimed, dragging his brother back.

"Zimo, and Yanchen." Mubo said, eyeing the two who just raised their eyebrows. "What? No complaints?"

Yanchen shrugged, looking at Zimo, "We'll just see what'll happen in the next 3 days."

Zimo smirked in return, "Let's see, Zhou Yanchen."

"And last is Xiao Gui, Kaihao and Zuo Ye." Mubo finished announcing. "Now, make friends and don't do anything stupid, kids!"

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