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"KAAATTT hurry up and go to school or your gonna be late!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"IM GOIINGG!" I yell as I take one last finale look at my oufit ...

See I wanted to go a little extra to school considering it was the last day of school before summer vacation which Finally next year I was gonna be a Senior yayy!!

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See I wanted to go a little extra to school considering it was the last day of school before summer vacation which Finally next year I was gonna be a Senior yayy!!


I walked through the halls of my school and my eyes directly land on Joel Pimentel one of the hottest guys from our school. I see him flirting with a girl and just roll my eyes and walk past them.

Typical Fuckboy

As I get to my first period of the day SPANISH
I see that we have a Substitute and I realize my partner is absent. Great I say to myself realizing I'll have no one to talk to throughout the period.

All of a sudden as I'm taking notes the door bursted open and low and behold CHRISTOPHER VELEZ  the Popular guy from the football players who's in Joel's clique comes  late asf to class.

I totally forgot he even has this period with me.

He apologized for being late and the sub just told him to take a seat anywhere & as he's walking through the hall of the desks his eyes land directly at me and he smirks.

"Hola Hermosa, you look smocking hot today" he says I just freeze for a moment cos I couldn't believe Chris just called me Hermosa and told me I look hot! I turned red as a tomato and thanked him.

"Sabes voy a hacer una fiesta esta noche y me encantaría que vinieras" he says. I didn't know how to respond so I just tried be funny and say
"We're in school, talk In English."

"Kind of ironic if we're in spanish class right now." Chris says smirking. GOD THAT SMIRK I COULD JUST KISS HIM RN

I just roll my eyes and laugh at his remark.

"Soy what you say Beautiful you down?"

"Uhhh fine!" But only cos it's celebrating us leaving this hell hole! I say

"YAYY party's at 8 Pm I'll dm you the address" he says getting up as the bell rings.

As I'm home getting ready for Christopher's party as I finish straightening the last piece of my hair I slip on my black heels and put on my 2 piece red dress which I love how it looks on me. I was some what trying to impress Christopher so I wore Red knowing that's his fave color LOL

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