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After a few hours of photoshoot of Tzuyu, they headed towards another location. Momo was with them this time when she opened up a conversation for the interview for later.

“So yeah, they a kick-ass kind!” she said in a hyped tone of her voice after she tucked her plaids in her pants,“One of them is our friend, mine and Sana's.”

“Oh she's japanese too?” Nayeon asked earning a nod from Momo who opened the second potato chips, she was seated beside Nayeon who is driving,“What's h—”

“Yah! Hirai Momo! The crumbs are all over!” Jihyo roared at the girl who laughed,“Seriously, we need to do something about your stomach pit!”

“Hahaha, Aw c'mon Jihyonim. I'll clean it later–”

“Yeah like the cookie crumbs, the spaghetti sauce and all.”

The two begun bickering as Tzuyu was looking outside the window while Sana and her are sharing her ipod, listening to some music. She fell asleep after five minutes.




“Wake up.”

“Five more minutes..”

Seeing the latter snuggle up to a person,Jihyo blinked and motioned to move slowly so Tzuyu could snuggle up to her instead. So the person did what she was told, Jihyo sighed and caressed the sleeping model's head.

“How about we move the interview fifteen minutes back?” she asked

Earning a nod from everyone, they agree that Tzuyu needs some rest before working again. Momo and Sana talked to the person cheerfully before dragging them off to somewhere.

“Tzuyu, wake up. We've arrived.”  Jihyo said softly, she saw Nayeon approaching them,“Help me with this,unnie.”

“Wait.” Nayeon placed the water at the side then she helped,Jihyo waking up their friend.

Soon Tzuyu woke up,finding herself in the embrace of Jihyo. She snuggled again before she sat up. She noticed they were at an underground place. But there are cameras and such set up.

“Where are we?” She asked as she rubbed her eyes, luckily she took off her make up to do so.

Jihyo and Nayeon smiled at her,“Underground, they held their dances here.”

“Oh.” is all Tzuyu could say when she got off the car, she leaned back as she heard loud music roaring around the place but it wasn't that loud,she liked the atmosphere of the place when she jumped at something cold.

“Here, have a drink.” Nayeon smiled as her bunny teeth showed which made Tzuyu smile,“Jihyo moved the second part of the schedule three days from now. Some workers said you needed some rest, so yeah. After this we can go home.”

Tzuyu is an eighteen year old model who rose from the light at the age of sixteen, she was still a rookie model despite doing the job for almost two years. The people she who has worked with acknowledge her hardwork throughout the years they spent with her. Now, they wanted her to have a rest. They don't want to burning out their model so much either.

“Really? Thanks. Wait let me..” Tzuyu fished out her phone from the sling bag she bought and dialed a number, She knew that some workers hasn't ate lunch so she ordered food for all. She isn't cold or savage, it only depends on the situation she is in. Nayeon smiled and awed her kindness, Tzuyu's a great kid. Glad she's her friend.

“Jjeuwi!” Sana called as she skipped towards them followed by Momo and a couple of bad-ass looking girls,“We have some friends you need to know!”

Tzuyu chuckled and gasps when Sana almost tripped but was saved by a paled skinned girl with outstanding hair highlights.

“A-ah, thank you Dahyun-ah.” Sana said as she regained her balance, the girl who was named Dahyun laughed and told Sana becareful next time or else she'll really hurt herself.

“Ah, Sana's clumsiness captured the girl's heart.” Jihyo commentwd as she approached Tzuyu and Nayeon.

Sana clinged to Tzuyu as she arrived,“You guys~ Meet my friends! Dahyun..” She pointed at the girl with a bunch of highlights, the one who saved Sana from falling, “Jeongyeon-unnie and Chaeyoungie!” She pointed at the tall blonde girl who looks like a boy at her get up yet it has a feminine touch aswell,while the other one who has a short black hair wearing a white hoodie with bunch of scribbles on it for a design.

‘I wonder how can she wash it without getting it ruined..’ Tzuyu thought.

“Now, This is Jihyonim and Nayeonnie! I think you already know Tzuyu-ah~” Sana continued with a giggle,“Hey where's–..”

“She went home suddenly, we don't know why but she told me to update her after the interview.” Jeongyeon said as her eyes were looking at Nayeon,“Hey,Ms..Nayeon.”

“O-oh! Yes?”

Jeongyeon rubbed her nape then smiled,“After the interview.. Will you come with me later?” she asked, she just asked that without giving care to the ones who are present,“T-to eat dinner with...”

The girls looked at the two especially Nayeon who was blushing here at the momwnt before she gained her composure,standing like a professional then she smiled.

“Pick me up by 7.” Nayeon said before walking off.

“Ooh~” The girls teased Jeongyeon who is smiling as she ran up to Nayeon,“W-wait—!”

The two had walked off as they talk about their ‘Dinner date’ later, Jihyo sighed with a smile before she face the rest. Tzuyu was giggling along with Sana on what happened.

“Someone's gonna get laid—” One of the dancers said which made the rest laugh at that.

“Well, we should get ready for the interview now.” Jihyo announced,“I'll text Nayeon to get the things prepared. So,Tzuyu-ah and Sana.. You two are going to the dressing room installed here and get ready.”

“Wait,Why me?” Sana asked, “I mean why am I included?”

“Oh, yeah. You're going to be in a photoshoot with them.” Jihyo said.


“Yeah, Now off you go!”

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