Effy's life.

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Efrona, a hopeless romantic girl, who loves to sing, loves to travel... People call her Effy. Well yep, that's me!

It was a new school year! My first day of school again, was not bad because I knew like everyone there, I saw my friends and my bestfriend once again, it was really cool to see how they're after two monthes of fun! Let's not talk about how was my summer, it was boring, like every summer i've ever spent. I stayed with my bestfriend the whole day, It was a boy, his name was Bradley. I wasn't that kind of girl that stays with girls alot, because I barely had girl-friends, it's not like I didn't want to be one of those cute, girly , classy girls in my school but I was just different, because most of them were cocky and they were so confident about themselves , unlike me. I was the girl who hangs out with boys alot, I was the girl who wears baggy clothes, and bands T-shirts , who plays PS3 , and FPS games. Yeah I was like a boy, I guess that's why I hang out with them. Bradley kept telling me about how he spent his summer.

" It was the most amazing summer i've ever had Effy, you can not imagine how happy I am " he said with a really big smile on his face " I met a girl named Elena , she was so hot , we didn't date but like , we were like Friends with Benifits, you know that movie... "

" Yeah I know it, did you ....?" I said 

" HELL YEAH! , she was so hot , and I took the chance of course!" Bradley was a player, he never actually fell for a girl,  he never loved a girl so much, he would just use her to get laid or something like that.

"Brad! what did I tell you about using girls? Bradley, we have feelings!! the girl probably loved you!" I knew he'd use her , but why?

" Come on Effy! I wanted to have fuuun, and you know me so well!" of course I know you so well you're my bestfriend, duh!

The rest of the day was boring, Brad went home and I did too, I kept playing COD , it was fun. Then someone knocked on my door, It was probably Bradley, he's the only one who visits me.

"COMMIIIIIIIIING!" I said while yelling

" Hey Brad what's up?" Brad was with his friend , I didn't know but i can say he's really cute

"Hey , this is my friend, Daniel. Daniel this is my mate Effy" mate? are you serious Brad, i'm not a guy! I looked horrible I was so embarassed, I though Brad was alone.

" Ummmm, Hi " Daniel was so shy , I didn't know guys were shy too.

"Hey , come in " I wasn't that kind of girls who was shy, i get along with everyone, even with people who I don't know. being shy is not actually worth it.

I gave them pancakes, pancakes were my fav!! Daniel was really cute, he had this cute black hair, his eyes were brown, he was tall, well we can say really tall, he was even taller than Brad, we kept talking and playing, Daniel introduced his self to me, he seemed really nice, we had fun that day, in the end, they went back home. I took a long relaxing shower, then I opened my facebook. I found Daniel's invitation, it was weird I though he won't even remember me. I've accepted him, we kept talking and talking all night, we stayed up together that day, he was really cool. We had so much mutual things, he likes playing FPS games too! He liked the same bands as me, Greenday, ACDC, Avenged Sevenfold... His fav song was 21 Guns by Green day, It was mine too, I really loved that song. 

After houurs of sleeping, I was late for school like always, mom kept yelling. I wore my black skinny jeans, and my white converse and a T-shirt that says " ACDC ROCKS! ", when I was on my way to school, I saw Daniel, I was suprised because I didn't know he goes to the same school as us, well that was an advantage! Studying was boring, I didn't even pay attention to class that day, all what I was thinking of is sleeping. I met Brad again, like always , and we say Daniel sitting alone, i told him let's go to talk to him, Daniel was suprised when we came.

" Umm, are you okay dude?" Brad was worried

" Yeah I'm fine of course, come sit down" Daniel didn't look fine at all, he looked sick.

I knew that Daniel was sad because of something, but I didn't know the reason, I didn't want to ask him in front of Bradley... Bradley tried his best to make things less awkward.

After school, I went home and opened my facebook quickly, I found Daniel online I kept talking to him, I was kind of worried about him.

Me : Hey, what's wrong?

Him : what are you talking about? nothing's wrong

Me: You can't lie to me, I know that you're not okay

Him : Yeah yeah, okay. 

Me : No need to be rude, i'm just trying to help

Him : thanks I don't need your help , Effy

Me: Ok, as you want.

And I logged out, I knew he wasn't fine, and I was really curious to know the reason, I though we were friends, and he'd tell me.

The day after, we met in school, when he saw me, he ignored me. I went to talk to him but he ran away, he seemed really weird.

I asked Bradley about him, Bradley didn't know anything about it. We changed the subject, we started about the girls Bradley fooled,  I really loved Bradley. I mean as a bestfriend and more, I knew he was a player but, Bradley was just different, he seemed mature for me. I loved  every single thing about him. Those two first weeks of school were the most amazing weeks I've ever spent with Bradley, we hang out together, we ditched school for each others...  He layed on my legs whenever he felt tired, He held my hand when we were walking, we acted like a couple, but as the same time we were bestfriends. 

School that day was boring like always, In the break, I was just looking at Bradley, I couldn't stop looking at him, god he was so cute, and did I ever mention that he had glasses on, just like me. Hahah we have alot of mutual things, I really loved him.

After school, I went home. Changed my clothes, then I logged into facebook. I saw Bradley's status; " In a relationship with Elena " I was really chocked, it kind of broke my heart. I though he didn't like her at all and he just used her, I texted him saying call me, and he did.

Him: hey what's up?

Me: You didn't tell me you liked her

Him: Well haha I do!

Me: finally you like someone!

Him: I know right

Me: take care of her please.

Him: I will of course.

I sounded really sick and sad, I was kind of heart broken, it was the first time i've ever had that feeling to be honest. Sadness, broke hearted..

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