Chapter 3

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Daniel was so kind. But I was still hurt because of Brad. We were sitting, me and Daniel. There was this awkward silence until someone came. It was Bradley... I didn't want to talk to him

"Effy!" Bradley ran quickly to me and hugged me.

" Um, I think i'll leave you both alone" Daniel said

" No it's okay, stay" I said, but he left.

Bradley was still hugging me , he couldn't let me go and he didn't say a word.

"What do you want?" I said, I was really sad and mad. 

"I'm sorry, for avoiding you. For ignoring you, mostly for hurting you." He whispered. 

I started crying, I couldn't help it.

" I.. I don't know what to say" I said.

" Shhhh, you have nothing to say. I won't be hurting you anymore I promise." He said

"What do you mean?" I said, he kinda meant something by saying that, he confused me.

"I'll leave." He said. I let him go. 

" You'll leave? Are you fucking serious?!" I started cursing, I was hella mad. " Leave where? or who? what the hell Brad?"

"I'll leave you, I won't hurt you anymore, you won't have to deal with my shit". He said while looking down.

" Oh hahahaha" I laughed. " Do you really think that it won't hurt me? What's this Brad? What's happening to you?, you were my bestfriend and now it's like I don't even know you." I said

" You won't get it, Effy it's better for both of us. I think we shouldn't be friends anymore." He said. My heart sank when I heard that. I was speechless.

"I'm really sorry, it's just really complicated." He said

" Oh really? What's complicated? Fucking leaving your bestfriend?" I said, his phone rang, I saw the name it was Elena, he answered saying " I'll be right there babe." I fucking cried. 

" Oh , I understand now. It's about her isn't it? Elena, wow. You actually choose someone over me?" I said while crying.

" Effy no!" He said while trying to hold me.

"Please, go away, leave me alone." I said while crying.

" I can't leave you like this!" He said.

"But you will leave anyway, so what's the use? this is all pointless, please just go" I said.

And then he left. I ran upstair , and I cried the whole night, I couldn't stop thinking about him and about what he said. "  I think we shouldn't be friends anymore. " wow, words can really hurt people. It was a school night, I couldn't sleep tho but I did anyway.

The next day, I got up, my eyes were pretty big well obviously because I was crying all night. I went to school, I saw him. I stopped looking at him when I realised he was looking back, then someone came and poked me.

"Heeeey!" It was Daniel, the sweet mysterious guy.

"Holaa!"  Oh wow? Really Effy? Hola? I was sad, I didn't know what to say, It was kinda awkward.

"Oh now you speak Spanish!" He said while giggling.

" Ahahah, si si!" I said.

"That's cool tho!" He said while smiling. It was the first time I saw him smiling, his smile was hot as fuck! He seemed really hot.

"Oh yeah, I guess. So what's up? Any plans for today?" I asked.

" No not really, I was thinking of going to see a movie with you"

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