Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.


*Louise's thoughts/pov*

"Uh... Hi?" I greeted Zayn who was casually sitting on Liam's bed staring at me.

"Hey, uh the boys told me i should come up here to bond with you. Apparently Liam says that we all have to have 'bonding' time with you or get to know you and i just happened to be first." He explained.

"Oh okay, cool."

I just looked back out the window, watching the birds have such a carefree life while i’m trapped with 5 boys for another 6 months. Ugh. If only i was a bird, i could just travel wherever i want and just be carefree!

"So uh, do you wanna do this bonding thing?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sure." .

I got up and sat up near the pillows of Liam’s bed with my legs crossed looking at Zayn.

"Soooo..." I started.

"So, uh, you play cod huh?"

"No.. I don’t even know what this ‘cod’ you speak of is.." I lied.

"That is possibly the worst lie i have EVER heard."

"Liam saying you don’t hate me was the biggest lie i ever heard." I mumbled.


"Oh, nothing!" I said quickly.

"Okay.." He eyed me.. "Well anyways, how did you get so good at cod?"

"Let me guess, you think i’m a tomboy and weird because i’m a girl that loves to play cod?" I sighed.

"NO! Personally i think it’s awesome that you’re a girl and you play cod!" He smiled.

"Well then why were you all staring at me as if i was some sort of alien?" I laughed slightly.

"Because not once have i or the lads ever seen a girl play cod, let alone play it better than Liam!"

"Oh okay."

"So how did you learn to play so good?"

"I dunno, i have a play station 3 back at home and have all of the cod games so i guess i used to play a bit.." I shrugged.

"A BIT?! You were amazing! You can’t tell me you only played ‘a bit’!" He said clearly shocked.

"Well i used to play all the time but then i kind of stopped.. Other than just before the last time i played was sometime last month.."

"WHAT?! LADS COME IN HERE, NOW!" He yelled. Now sir, was there any need for that?

After he yelled that out i heard the sound of multiple footsteps running up the stairs then everyone burst into the room all yelling things like: "What’s wrong?! Is Louise okay?!" - Obviously Liam. "Zayn! I told you not to do anything inappropriate! That's my job!" - Harry. "Did someone eat my food?!" - Nialler. And "KEVIN?!" - As you most likely know, the only person strange enough to say such a thing - Louis.

"You boys are so weird.." I shook my head as they alked into the room.

"If weird’s what you like then weird i shall be love!" Harry winked.

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