chapter 39.

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chapter 39.



*Louise’s thoughts/pov*

“I love you.”

“W- what?” I stuttered out shocked.

I love you Louise." He announced with more confidence. "I know it took me a while to figure that out but now i know that i love you.” He replied looking completely serious and caressing my cheek with his thumb while i stared at him as if he was crazy.

“Look i understand if you don’t feel the same way but just let me tell you this." He sighed. "I know that when i first met you i didn’t give you the best impression. I was so rude and arrogant. Plus we kind of kidnapped you.. But ever since that night you started getting hate on twitter and i was there with you and i was the one to comfort you i have felt something towards you, i have felt the need to always be the one to comfort you. At first i didn’t think it was much or anything more than just my dick talking but now i see that it was the beginning of this." I laughed when he said the part about his dick..

"I know that it seemed as if i hated you when i saw you and Harry kissing but it hurt! I literally felt as if someone stabbed me in the chest. So that’s why i got the reaction i had. Because i love you. If I could have just one wish, it would be to wake up every day to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine. Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you makes me want to be with you even more! Maybe this is just my youth talking or maybe it isn’t but for now the only thing i know is that i LOVE you!” He said pouring his heart out to me...

“Zayn i-“

“Before you say anything can i please do something first?” He asked me inching slightly closer to me.

I just nodded in reply still shocked about what he just said when i didn’t even realise he was leaning into me. He leant closer and closer to my face until i closed my eyes soon feeling his warm, soft lips on mine. I almost immediately kissed back. He put his hands around my waist softly while i wrapped mine around his neck. He soon pulled away and rested his forehead on mine while staring into my eyes...

“Did you feel that?” He asked me still staring into my eyes.

“Yes.” I whispered.

“See, you understand now that when you get that feeling then that person means something to you.” He stated smiling slightly. “I mean something to you.” He whispered.

“Zayn, can i honestly tell you how i feel about all of this?” I asked.

“Sure babe.”

“Well i’m going to go make sure i don’t look like complete shit first so I’ll be back.” I replied walking to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and found that i don’t even look as bad as i assumed... Well that’s a first. There’s not even a bruise on my face anymore.. Wait- ouch! Yes there is, you just can’t see it that well because of my skin colour. Well that’s good then. I walked back out only to find Zayn in the same position so i stood in front of him.

As i was saying- i would like to spill my heart, guts- everything out to you okay?” I asked causing him to nod and chuckle slightly.

“Well i’m confused. I’m honestly so SO confused. I am confused because i don’t understand love. I don’t know what love is. I have never experienced love and i don’t even know if i want to find out what love truly is!” I stated honestly. “What makes me even more confused is how you boys even love me! Harry just told me recently that he loves me and now you’ve come along and spilled your sweet little heart out to me while i’m standing here not even knowing what ‘love’ is! I feel terrible because i can’t say it back to you, i feel terrible because you both love me, i feel terrible because you love ME out of all people! You could have a model, a singer, dancer, actor- ANYTHING AND ANYONE YOU WANT but you chose me! Why?! I honestly don’t see why you both chose ME!" I whined.

"When i was at school i was always the girl who would be friends with the boys, best friends even- never anything more and i always hated that. I always hated seeing happy couples being all cute because i knew it would never happen to me. I don’t even know if i believe in true love now. In school i would always just observe everyone. I’m not trying to mean here or anything but i would see people worse looking than me and they would be in happy, adorable relationships but i would still be sitting waiting for that to happen but it never did. I would get more compliments from people i didn’t even know or haven’t even met yet then i did from the boys at my school!” I continued.

“Look Zayn the thing is yes i feel something when i kiss you but that’s the problem. I also feel that with Harry. I know i sound like a slut right now but it’s the truth! I don’t want to be dragging you boys around simply because i can’t make up my stupid mind on which one to be with. I don’t even know why i feel that with Harry because i went on a date with him then he asked me to give him a chance and i did. But that was a mistake because he cheated on me with someone who is old enough to be my mother! I don’t want to get into anything with him after that experience. But with Harry- his eyes are just like orbs, they are so magical and hypnotizing, there’s something about him that i’m drawn to, he’s tall and i like that, although he’s cheeky and can irritate the hell out of me- i’m still drawn to him! I don’t know why- i just am! But then there’s you.” I explained while he looked sad until i brought him up. Aw.

“Zayn. Your accent, just your voice can bring a smile to my face! You have the most amazing smile and you’re just so flawless. You have this mysteriousness theme going on and it draws me to you! Making me curious. When i kiss you i feel as if there’s no one else in the world. Just you and me. But then there’s also that problem with Harry- when i kiss him it’s as if i have fireworks going off all around my body. I feel as is his kisses are addictive. But yours are also. And that’s why it makes this SO FUCKING HARD!” I frowned frustratedly.

Listen to me love.” He started holding my cheeks softly in his hands. “I don’t care that you feel that with Harry. I don’t even care that you may even love him. Because the only thing i care about is you. But the thing is would you have just told all that to Harry? Would he have understood everything the way i have? Would he have gotten angry if you told him you always felt the same way to me as well? You have already given Harry a chance so would you please give me a chance? To make it even? I promise to treat you like my princess, to be the one you give all your problems to- I’ll be the one to solve all your problems! Just please give me a chance!” He said pleading into my eyes.

“Um.” I said deciding while he gave me puppy dog eyes. No! He’s too cute! “Okay fine!” I sighed. “I will give you a chance but we cannot tell anyone about this! No one knows and nobody needs to know! Not the boys, not management- not even your parents. NO ONE! This is our little secret okay?” I confirmed.

“Anything for you babe!” He said pecking me on the lips. “But let me ask you properly.”

Louise. I love you to the end of the world and back. Will you be my secret girlfriend?

Woop! So that’s that. I see that there were alot of hearts being spilled out ;) mwahaha! I hope you guys liked it & thanks for reading you lovely children & don’t forget to comment/vote ect! xo

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