The Big Day

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Dear Diary

It's been a while since my last diary entry. I thought the dreams would become more frequent, but I was wrong. Maybe spending quality time with Damon has helped, if you class quality time as arguing and bickering. Even though he still flirts with me, things have changed, I have changed. I find I can be myself with Damon. I guess to some extent I could with Stefan, but his expectations of me were always high, and I had to live up to those standards.

Damon's standards are different. As long as I'm honest and don't put up a facade, he accepts me for who I am. However, Damon has been omitting a few truths over the summer while we were looking for Stefan. I understand why, because it's not his story to tell, and Stefan should have told me in the first place, but he didn't. Damon just did what Damon always tries to do, protect me and make me happy.He knew telling me the truth would hurt me, which is why he kept it from me. After I confronted him, we got into a huge row about it, and Damon gave me what he thought to be the truth, although I don't think he knows everything.

He's been tracking Stefan all summer, and telling me the leads Sheriff Forbes gave us were dead ends, when they weren't. It turns out, he believes Stefan had left a trail of bodies up and down the eastern seaboard. He said Stefan was a 'ripper'. But what does that mean? Is it like Jack the Ripper? He told me Stefan's humanity is off. Does that mean he's like Isobel? I know he's exaggerating because Stefan called me last night. He didn't say anything over the phone, and the number was blocked and definitely not Stefan's number,but I know it was him. This morning I called Caroline's mom and asked her to chase the number to see if it's from Tennessee, which is where the last lead was from. If it is, I'll confront Damon and see why he thought Stefan had turned his humanity off, because why would he call me if he'd flipped the switch? I don't think he's the one who has been killing people, it must be Klaus, although I admit Stefan wasn't keen on telling me everything about his blood issues, and if Jonathan Gilbert's journal is anything to go by, it's worse than what he originally told me. I though he was just like Damon when he arrived in Mystic Falls, but apparently he was worse.

So onto my dream and why I think I had it.

Yesterday was my 18th birthday and Caroline threw a birthday party for me at the boarding house. This is when I found out he'd been tracking Stefan, but I digress. Other than the stuff with Stefan(which I've already gone through), and the party, 2 things happened.The first one might have been part of what triggered the dream,although it wasn't in it, but is did make it more realistic. The second thing that happened was what my dream was about. It was something that not only surprised me, but scared me at the same time.It was something I'd never thought about in my life, not even with Stefan, but I saw it with Damon.

I'll explain the first thing that happened.

After Sheriff Forbes gave me the lead for Stefan, I took it over to give to Damon. And oh wow, did Damon give me a birthday surprise. Regardless of what my future holds, it is something that will remain etched in my memory until the day I die. When I got to the boarding house I put my bag down in the parlor and Damon said good morning from behind. When I turned around, he'd clearly just gotten out of the bath, he was covered in bubbles. But that's all he had on his body, bubbles. He didn't bother to wrap a towel around his waist, even though I know he knew I was there.

Yes, Damon was stood there in front of me completely naked.And to make things worse, he was smirking. Although I admit, he had good reason to be smug.

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