The Two

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to The Vampire Diaries, TV show or books. However I decided to have a little play around with the characters (I would definitely like to play with Damon).

Warning for explicit sexual content, bad language and blood sharing.

Dear Diary

Another night as a vampire, another erotic dream about Damon.

It all started because earlier today, Damon, Bonnie and I all went to Whitmore College. Bonnie went to see some guy called Professor Shane (Damon called him Professor Creepy), who teaches Occult Studies there, which is what her Grams used to teach. Some of Miss Sheila's things were still in her old office and Bonnie went to pick them up.

Damon and I were there for him to teach me how to 'snatch, eat, erase.'

When I told Stefan, he wasn't happy about me going with Damon, he'd have preferred to have Caroline teach me, but she drinks from blood-bags. And she has super self control in everything. She wouldn't get why someone would have control issues and would probably judge me if I had any issues. I knew it would be easier to learn with Damon, because he never judges me like she does. Before we went, Stefan warned about getting caught up in the feed and the blood. I didn't know what he meant at the time, but I do now.

When we got there, we went to an Occult Studies class and Damon helped explain to me the easiest types of prey to go for. When I went up to the girl we chose for me to try, I saw a picture of her with a kid on her phone and couldn't do it. I suddenly felt guilty. Basically I sucked. Damon complained everyone was related to someone. luckily Bonnie came to the rescue with a flier for a killers and victims frat party.

Damon dressed up as Jack the Ripper (how ironic considering his brother is a ripper), and Bonnie and I were his prostitute victims. Bonnie went to talk to Professor Shane, leaving Damon and I alone at the party.

We picked a guy out who had roofied a girl's drink. I successfully performed snatch, eat, erase on the scumbag. But I wanted more and because of the type of party we were at, we could get away with feeding from people in public. I guess people around us just assumed we were making out with our victims.

After a while Damon and I were both on blood high's and we got caught up in the music and began to dance together. However it wasn't like two platonic friends dancing. We were getting pretty close. Dirty dancing would be a better way to describe it. I was even wiping the blood from Damon's face and licking it from my fingers.

I have never felt so free in my life. Stefan took me on a motorcycle to have fun, Damon took me to a party and we had some sexy dancing together. He didn't judge me, he was just as into it as I was.

The fun stopped when Bonnie caught us. She wasn't very happy with what she saw and ended up arguing with Damon. However he did say something interesting which did make me think about how people view him. Because he knows how to have fun and not kill when feeding, he doesn't have to use blood-bags which are for sick people. And he doesn't have to kill innocent people. Although people look at him with disdain, his method of feeding is the best way if a vampire can control it. My friends look at Stefan and think he's the safer one to be around. But his ripper urges means his self control is limited. He can't maintain the animal diet and will fall off the proverbial wagon. He is the more dangerous of the two brothers. Damon just doesn't like people to see him as a good guy. But I know him better than that.

What was strange was when we got back to my house. I admitted I understood his way was the right way to be a vampire, I just didn't want to be like that. I don't like the idea of my friends hating me for feeding from the vein. Damon asked me what I really wanted. I wanted to tell him the truth, which was that I wanted him, but Stefan interrupted us. Apparently he'd been to talk to Jeremy about something, although he was a little vague as to what it was. But everything between Stefan and I felt wrong. I felt like I was talking to a stranger. I didn't want him to be there. I wanted to be talking to Damon.

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