Chapter one: A family Reunion part one

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(Serena p.o.v.)
Me and the boys had just returned from the horse races when Casper comes out to greets us witch gets me thinking two things. 'What is he up to he never's greets us one and two doesn't he have chores to do so why is he here.' I thought. " hi guys had fun! Casper said. Oh it's Casper. Stretch said. If ten being fun and one being you then yeah we had fun. Stinkie said as he put horseshoe shaped flowers around his head then we all laughed. Say Casper not that it's not great to see you. I started to say Sarcastically then I got serous but what are you doing out here? I asked. Yeah bulbhead why aren't you in the house doing your chores? Stretch asked. Well I just thought that sense it's such a lovely night that we'll eat out here under the harvest moon. Casper said after he said that the trio took him made him into some type of instrument then they fling him up towards the moon we then went into the house where stretch smelled something. Say do you smell something? Stretch asked. Yeah! Fatso said as he looks at Stinkie. I think he means besides stinkie. I said. Yeah I mean besides him. Stretch said then we heard someone say hello and it sounds like it's coming from up stairs wile they go and scare who or whatever is here I'm going to go and check up on my baby. So that's what I did I disappeared and then reappear in mine and stretch's daughter's room when I entered the room I saw both Arya and Sadie sleeping on the floor near the crib. When they heard me walk in they picked their heads up so they could look at me they started to wag their tails happily as they saw walk over to her crib. When I saw her sleeping so peacefully but unfortunately it's not going to last much longer and I was right cause a few minutes later there was a noise then right after that she started to cry. After she had started to cry they started to bark and howling so I picked her up and started to rock her hopefully back to sleep. Hush little darling it's going to be alright. I said as I was rocking her but that didn't work so I tried to sing her to sleep.

That seemed to work so with her now asleep,the dogs are quite & asleep as well I put her down walked out of the room put a sound proof charm on the door so she doesn't wake up again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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