17: Purple Flower

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Natsu was headed towards the kitchen, taking his wife with him. If Lucy had no appetite to eat, then he’ll have to spoonfeed her himself. She was being stubborn enough to refuse, but he never took ‘no’ for an answer regarding anything at all; whether he was being the Company’s CEO or the Head of the Family.

On their way there, Levy was running towards them. Her loose blue hair bouncing as she ran.

The joyful look on her face was clear for them to see. Whatever it was, she was undeniably carrying good news with her.

“Natsu! Lucy!” she called out as she stopped right in front of them.

The bright grin on her face still visible.

“What is it?” Lucy responded to put her friend at ease.

“He’s awake. Lucas is awake!” Levy answered as she inhaled some air to catch her breath.

Indeed, that news was worth all the running and excitement after all.

Without waiting for time to go to waste, Natsu and Lucy went back to their bedroom straightaway. Both in long strides and in anticipation to see a pair of brown little eyes when they arrived there.

Who wouldn’t be eager to see their own child well and awake?

The tall double doors of the Master’s room busted open. It was Natsu, because of his eagerness to see the face of his boy, he opened the doors with too much force than he had intended.

And true enough, Lucas was there.


He was sitting up on the bed as he stared at them, at his parents. His eyes in a little fright due to his father’s startling entry.

“Lucas!” the Lady wasn’t able to contain the happiness in her voice as she rushed over to the bed.

“Oh…My sweet, sweet baby,” she spoke with longing as she picked him up and held her in her arms.

Her smile was as wide as it could be. She was even tearing up in the process.

Just seeing Lucas awake and Lucy happy was enough for Natsu.

He was satisfied just by looking at them. That was something he wasn’t able to see for a long while, not since the Family had been given the threat.

“He just woke up,” Rakheid spoke as he stood next to Natsu, “The first thing he said was ‘where’s mother and father’.”



At some hotel room, Invel was sitting on a chair next to a lampshade. The yellow light was the only thing lighting up the dark square bedroom.

A pistol on one hand and a towel on the other. He was cleaning his gun. The object held in reserve its unscratched appearance, making it obvious that the owner groomed it on a daily basis. In fact, Invel always cleaned it himself every single night. It was his partner in crime. It was a part of him.

His phone that he placed on the table by the lamp rang loudly. The screen’s bright light turned on, a familiar contact was calling him.

He sighed in annoyance as he put down his gun and picked up the phone. If there was one thing that he hated to the core, it was being disturbed when he was having his time admiring his weapon.


Invel’s voice didn’t hide his displeasure.

“Has the matter been taken care of?” the voice on the other line replied. It was an old man. His English was spoken in a foreign accent.  

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