The Unwanted

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A typical high-school student named Samantha, age of 16, once dreamed of meeting a person that would change her life forever. What she did'nt knew was, that dream may come true a little earlier than she expected, and that dream may turn out to be her worst nightmare after all .......

One Sunday night, Samantha was all alone in their house; which lies on top of a hill, meaning that its quite far from the other houses in their village, but one house, which was the nearest to them, was all dark and abandoned but sometimes she was quite sure that she was hearing whispers and voices coming from that house. Her mom went out to visit a relative, while her dad already passed away when she was 10 years old. She was a single child. It was only Samantha and her mom that lives in that house. She was on the phone that night, talking to her best friend Kyle. Kyle is the kind of person that's always curious and always seeks for adventure, even though he does'nt know what to expect and what could happen to him in those situations. Samantha and Kyle were talking about the math test they took the other day. "So how about that freakin' quiz we took last Friday!!" Kyle said with a proud voice. "What about it ?" asked Samantha."Didn't you remember, I had a 90%, it was my first !!".  While Kyle was busy being so arrogant and proud about the score he got, Samantha was looking in the window and she noticed a person standing behind the tree in front of their house, she could'nt recognise who it was because it was already midnight and very dark. Samantha turned around at a moment because Kyle was shouting on the phone, "A freakin' 90!! " shouted Kyle, so Samantha told him to lower his voice. When Kyle finally calms down, Samantha looked at the window again but this time, the person who creepily stand in front of their house was already gone, so Samantha thought that she was just seeing things that aren't really there. "Maybe it was just my imagination" Samantha said to herself . "What did you said?!" asked Kyle. "Uhm, nothing....what were you saying?" replied Samantha.

But the truth was, what she just saw was real.

The next day.......

"Oh my gooooshhhhh!!!!" shouted Samantha, she forgot that they will have a physics test that morning. She didn't even ate breakfast because she was so busy getting ready for school, but one thing that she cannot stop to think about, was that person she saw, standing in front of their house last night.

30 minutes later.....

She arrived at school at exactly 8:00. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Samantha said to herself, panicking. But when she arrived at their physics room, she was so relieved, she was just in time for the test. She went inside and greeted Mrs. Vasquez (their mean physics teacher) a good morning but Mrs. Vasquez didn't replied back, instead she just stared at Samantha until she sat down. Mrs. Vasquez was probably the meanest and the cruelest teacher Samantha had ever met. She's only 45 years old but she already looks like in her 60's.


Mrs. Vasquez started to distribute the test papers to her students. "That test is a 70 items test, and to be answered for only 45 minutes. I don't expect any cheaters in my class!, so if I saw any of you peeking to your seatmate's test, I will immediately get your test paper and I will tear it to pieces, by that time, you must immediately stand, and leave my classroom. Am I clear ?!! " shouted Mrs. Vasquez. "Yes, Ma'am!" replied the frightened students.

 Few minutes later.....

20 minutes had already passed but Samantha was still stuck between numbers 20-25, she couldn't recall which part of the eye is responsible for the sharp central vision ( the answer was fovea centralis ), what she remembered was, it was a 2-word answer. While she was busy thinking about the answers, she started staring at the door,...... then she notice a shadow walking in the hallway, so she asked herself, "Who would still be walking around on the school hallway during this times?". So she thought maybe it was only the janitor.

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