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Hey I'm Nic and this is one of my first fan fics so 1 if you have any advice pleas give it to me I will be very grateful now on with the next chapter

P.S. I can't think of good chapter names so pleas excuse that

As I'm running through the port fear in my eyes. I can hear the guards coming behind me. I feel a sudden blast of wind as an arrow flys past my face sticking into the wall in front of me. I turn left into a local armor shop and out the door on the other end while pulling over a white suite of armor blocking the exit.

The shop exit takes me to a small ally. I keep running thinking about the knights I abandoned in my cowardly state. There's no time to think about that it's too late I just have to keep running.

I turn the corner looking back for my pursuers as I bump in a wall." Stupid idiot!" I think to myself as I can see the guards drawing forth.

I draw the sword I had taken so much care to make and as I stood up readied myself.

"Looks like you die here scum. But I shall make you an offer."

the captain steps forward presses his derk to my thorax.

"Let me take your sword to the Lannisters to receive your reward, and I shall make your death swift."

I look around at the crowd. All of there faces seam cold but in there eyes I can see fear.

As I'm about to make my reply a clocked figure parts through the crowd. what happens next was so extravagant and quick I could barley keep up with it.

The stranger draws two short swords from his belt. He turns to the captain and before he can say a word the stranger lobs off the arm that was gripping me seconds before. I run into the edge of the crowd. The second sword runs straight through the captain's gut his small intestine falling onto the ground as he lets out a blood curtailing scream. Before the other guards can react the stranger goes through the whole patrol of about 13 guards are left lying around slowly dieing from missing legs, organs one of them was being forced to swallow his own stomach acid as u could here him scream.

As the stranger walks up to me I'm about to thank him when I see him hit me with the hilt of the sword and I become unconscious.

Game of thrones the stolen swordWhere stories live. Discover now